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Kevin Owens



This is for all the people who want to chat it up with us old timers (e.g.: me and smeag) who want to reminisce about the old days without spamming up the RPG topic.


Have at it.


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Not going to lie I am pretty sure that back in the day over half of my characters were stealth lesbians..




(I still ship them too)


((They were so flawless))


i had... well that one purple matoran i had was sorta like "whatever i feel like is mine" (but she and Ga worked so like fluidly together it would've been a crime not to ship them) although i think all my other ones were either lesbian/gay at heart. (i forget if it was the BZPRPG where i made a character who periodically hit on men just because i wanted to be -that- person).

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How many times do you think our characters have died and then been subsequently reborn?


I'm pretty sure I'm up in the double digits.


Toa Smeagol was the one who was so infamous for doing that over and over but I'm positive you had me beat in terms of sheer numbers. EACH NEW FORM MORE RADICAL AND CRAZY THAN THE LAST.


Can you believe I actually kept my promise with GK about never bringing Muurahk back? Not once did I resurrect her - and she was my favourite character I ever played.

Haha that was almost ten years ago, wasn't it? Ahhhh, that war was amazing. Who was GM then?? I remember -X- got banned or something, who took over in his stead and tried to stifle the greatest player-made war in the game's history with Turaga Dume's military might? Weren't there super Vahki too(Dark Lord Emperor Vahki or something)?

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Haha that was almost ten years ago, wasn't it? Ahhhh, that war was amazing. Who was GM then?? I remember -X- got banned or something, who took over in his stead and tried to stifle the greatest player-made war in the game's history with Turaga Dume's military might? Weren't there super Vahki too(Dark Lord Emperor Vahki or something)?


-X- was the GM for the ending of Mata-Nui, Mua-Nui, and the beginning of Metru-Nui...so from mid-2003 to early 2004 or so. After that Raptordx1 took over and I was in an assisting role. It was under Raptor and me that things really exploded in 2004 and got legendary.


Raptor was a boss dude and I miss him! Ace GM, and one of the few people in BZPower history who could disagree with and debate somebody while still showing respect and class.


And yeah, the DLV! Oh man. They were like the Mua-Nui baddies part II. I think it might have been GK who first came up with them though? But they became a big official thing and were effectively invincible.


Remember Minion of Makuta and Potanu? Remember the scrapes we used to get into with them? Oh man.

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I still remember when there wasn't a BZPRPG. It's come a long way from just an experiment.


Also, Natha created the DLV if I recall, but GK probably had some input.

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Somehow, I feel like I'm stuck in the limbo between an actual veteran and a newbee.


*pokes dead topic*

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