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Who: The Bells of Saint John



Thank you, Steven Moffat. Thank you very much. I shake you by the hand, my good sir.


The next episode looks like total rubbish but I'm in Spain when it airs, and this one makes up for it anyway. I was very pleasantly surprised by it, plus I'm glad to finally have my Who back. Also, Matt Smith gets awesomer every time I see him. I refuse to believe he will ever leave me.


Oh yeah, and I'm going to Spain for a week in like, two days. Nice.


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+1 +736457878935789.3 hyped-ness! =D

Still need to watch it online over here (no BBC D=), so I was kinda hoping it wouldn't be another 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship'-esque episode, but at least I now know it's good.


*commences the streaming*

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+1 +736457878935789.3 hyped-ness! =D

Still need to watch it online over here (no BBC D=), so I was kinda hoping it wouldn't be another 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship'-esque episode, but at least I now know it's good.


*commences the streaming*

Hold on a minute, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was a good episode! Better than A Town Called Mercy, at least, and considering the other episodes it turned out one of the best in the first half of Series 7.


- Indigo Individual

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+1 +736457878935789.3 hyped-ness! =D

Still need to watch it online over here (no BBC D=), so I was kinda hoping it wouldn't be another 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship'-esque episode, but at least I now know it's good.


*commences the streaming*

Hold on a minute, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was a good episode! Better than A Town Called Mercy, at least, and considering the other episodes it turned out one of the best in the first half of Series 7.


- Indigo Individual


Well, the music was misplaced, the Doctor ended up acting out of character, the two robots were just incredibly annoying, and in the end it failed to build up any tension whatsoever.

Asylum of the Daleks and the Snowmen were pretty good, though.

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+1 +736457878935789.3 hyped-ness! =D

Still need to watch it online over here (no BBC D=), so I was kinda hoping it wouldn't be another 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship'-esque episode, but at least I now know it's good.


*commences the streaming*

Hold on a minute, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was a good episode! Better than A Town Called Mercy, at least, and considering the other episodes it turned out one of the best in the first half of Series 7.


- Indigo Individual


Well, the music was misplaced, the Doctor ended up acting out of character, the two robots were just incredibly annoying, and in the end it failed to build up any tension whatsoever.

Asylum of the Daleks and the Snowmen were pretty good, though.

Amy was out-of-character in comparison in every episode, though, with each writer taking one little bit of her previously established personality and focusing massively on it to the point where she's pretty much a different character in each of the Series 7 Part 1 episodes, so I think the Doctor's behaviour can just about be excused. And the episode was enjoyable, unlike Mercy. Asylum of the Daleks and The Snowmen were pretty good, and I admit that if Dinosaurs on a Spaceship were in a different series it would have been a lot more disappointing, but Series 7 Part 1 was disappointing enough to me as it was.


- Indigo Individual

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SUBTLE TOPIC-CHANGER: Moving away from the negative-stuff: favorite Doctor, favorite Companion, favorite episode, and why? Would be interesting to hear everyone's reasons and preferences =)

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I agree with Asylum and Snowmen being awesome, but I also think that aside from that one particular Angel doing nothing of interest except looking scary, Angels Take Manhattan was good.


I really like this part, and it only just started, though; Clara is awesome. ^_^


Chols: Indeed. That just is an awesome thing.

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SUBTLE TOPIC-CHANGER: Moving away from the negative-stuff: favorite Doctor, favorite Companion, favorite episode, and why? Would be interesting to hear everyone's reasons and preferences =)


Fourth, Romana II, City of Death or any Ten serial.

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It felt too similar to The Snowmen, what with the Great Intelligence and all. Two episodes in a row and it's not a two-parter no thank you. Now it seems like The Snowmen was just an excuse to reintroduce the Great Intelligence so we knew its methodology in The Bells of Saint John. It takes away from the magic of The Snowmen just so we could get more confusing exposition on Clara's situation.



On another note, that new TARDIS interior is just ... oh man. I didn't think anything could top the last one, but I think they just might have.

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On another note, that new TARDIS interior is just ... oh man. I didn't think anything could top the last one, but I think they just might have.

I wasn't a big fan of it originally, but it's definitely growing on me.


- Indigo Individual

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