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Defense of Marriage Act

Kevin Owens


One one hand I feel as if people are overestimating the impact that the overturning of the Defense of Marriage Act will have. While yes it is rather important and represents a large step forward when it comes to GBLT rights, it also only represents a relatively small drop in the bucket when it comes to equality. Except we're dealing more with an Olympic swimming pool rather than a bucket.The verdict was a bit too narrow for my tastes, but then again anything short of completely legalizing marriage of all sorts would have been in my eyes. I feel it to be difficult to get too excited, knowing that many more harder battles lie ahead of us.


On the other hand, there's still that optimistic side of me that is acting like this while my inner pessimist scowls in a corner.


Tomato tomato.


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every day I find myself hoping for a big victory, and while this wasn't it, I feel like it's a good start and it gives me a bit of hope for the future.


totally get you and agree with you on it being a small victory, but it's a victory nonetheless.

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With the initial happiness out of the way, I'm feeling a lot of apathy and depression right about now.

Honestly I felt that way when it first came out. I knew it wouldn't be what I wanted, so I didn't have my hopes up or anything. Simply undoing a culture of hate isn't something that's undone in the span of a few years or even a few decades. You just gotta keep chipping at it until the entire corrupt, diseased system comes crashing down on itself.

every day I find myself hoping for a big victory, and while this wasn't it, I feel like it's a good start and it gives me a bit of hope for the future.


totally get you and agree with you on it being a small victory, but it's a victory nonetheless.

Gotta get the ball rolling somehow I guess.

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A well-known humor publication wrote it up as "Nation Celebrates What Is, Technically Speaking, Progress", which is actually a fairly accurate way of putting it. It also had the great (fake) quote "Today this country took, well, you know, certainly not a bold step forward, or anything even close to a leap, but, if we’re really looking at particulars, a step nonetheless."

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Yeah I'm feeling this mix of excitement and fear and disappointment and determination that mostly rolls up into a big LET'S DO THIS and a hope that the ball continues to roll the right direction from here.

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I think it's great as a litmus test; it shows that progressive thinking is slowly but decidedly winning out. The practical applications of this specific decision are next to nothing, but if this the social temperature, as it were, then that's fantastic.

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While I appreciate the steps made today, DOMA was a proposed law and a topic of intense political debate. It's great to be passionate about things, and many members have found ways to express their emotions without bringing up the political aspects. You're welcome to do that, but political discussion is not allowed.

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