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Do I talk too much?



Recently (in various venues/topics) I've posted long, detailed analyses of various topics of interest. (A rant about movies on a social network site, my epic essay about bionicle here, ect...) Not to mention that most of my comedy chapters are really long. And for some reason, no one ever gives any feedback.


Is it because there rants/chapters are too long, complicated, and/or boring for people to read?


I dunno.






...But I just got a new idea for a comedies contest if another ever happens...


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I posted a comedy the other day and I also received barely any feedback on it. :P I suspect the problem is just the inactivity of the Comedies forum and the site in general.

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Well, to me it just seems like A) Comedies forum is very quiet nowadays B) Most people on (name of the social network site removed — TMD) are just there for the games or to stalk other people and C) Even If you don't talk to much, I most certainly do



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Yeah, RT2 is pretty much back. I've had a hard time getting motivated to finish it, but I've got a whole summer vacation to catch up.


And we in the Critics Club (or rather, the Critics club and a retired member) have been taking measures to counteract our lack of activity in the comedies forum. Can't wait to see how it pans out.

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