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Scanty Demon


I never have really liked Pokemon or thought it to be particulary fun. Thank you for your time.


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I never have really liked Pokemon or thought it to be particulary fun. Thank you for your time.





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If it's any consolation I thought the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series looked interesting and I'd willing to play those games given the chance. Also I like the Pokemon creatures. Now if you excuse I'll being on the run now. XP
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Never got into it myself, though I can tell it would've been a thing I'd enjoy if I had been able to or had any real desire to at the time. But yeah I can't be bothered getting into it now.



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i always loved it, though i also really enjoyed Digimon (still doooo); the art and the cards always looked cool to me (i never played it, i collected them because it was the closest thing to "catching" real pokemon to me when i was in first grade) and i always watched my friends play the games (like fire red, leaf green, yellow, etc...) as i didn't own a gameboy system until 2003/2004 (Advanced) and couldn't buy my own games until... like, half a year before Pearl came out.


game-wise i got into it around Pearl, since before then i wasn't really allowed into the games arena *despite heavy protests* and i had so much fun. i still play the games, namely, as i have friends who play them and we play them together and name our pokemon silly things (puns that fit their design, after characters we like) and do various challenges (like nuzlock[e])


so long as one's enjoying the play time and entertainment value, it's really not that much a waste of time compared to most other past times (but i also read and write for my other hobbies, so i always look at those ones when i feel like i'm an unproductive schlob catching digitized animals... and sending thirty text messages to a friend when i get a really adorable one). i mean... it's about as productive as, say, playing most other video games... and it can be as productive as playing with LEGO sets (pending on the person; people have done some really awesome and creative things due to influence of the game/shows/movies).


to each their own~


(this got so long because i ramble)

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