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An Unnecessary Rambling About Something Trivial

Nathan Evo


Being a regular visitor of the Comics forum, I've pretty much read terrible comics of every variety, from the boring comics injected with failed attempts at humor to the comics which ultimately end up being absolutely hilarious for all the wrong reasons. However, I've always been particularly bitter about comics made with the MNOLG kit. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that they're using one of the kit's numerous reuploads (though that makes me a little bitter too, I still can't figure that one out).


I guess seeing the kit reminds me of the days when a friend of mine wrote comics using it (come on, you know who you are). Maybe I'm remembering them to be better than they actually were, or maybe I'm being too hard on myself (because I literally can't think of the comics I made back then without cringing, which is part of why I rebooted them a while back). But honestly, I'm reading his comics again now and I can still say they're better than most of the stuff that goes on here nowadays.


So, yeah, seeing MNOLG comics now makes me bitter, but a lot of that bitterness comes from nostalgia. It was just a carefree time when I was happy and just enjoyed everything I did, no matter how lackluster or terrible it was. And that's probably the thing I miss the most, since it's not something I can really say anymore.


If there's one thing I can safely say I really like more about now than back in the old days, it's that the friends I have now are a lot closer than the ones I had back then. (Come on, you guys should know who you are too.) You guys are all great, and I couldn't ask for better friends even you paid me. And I love getting paid for stuff. Also, I'm better at writing comics. A lot better.


Wow, this spiraled in a different direction quickly. Also, is that a Faxon next to my proto bar? Man, I'm old.


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I would have thought something else would have taken hold by now.

I haven't been to the Comics forum in ages.

Do you know if anyone still happens to use Xaniskit?

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Maaan, I just went back and re-read them all. Now I'm depressed because BZPower used to be so much more fun for me than what it is now. :( Even worse-so because with the archive gone I can't go back and look at all the funny comments and criticisms I got. That goes for comedies too.


I do miss the old days of making comics. I like to think that one day I'll turn that April Fool's joke of combining MNOLG with Garry's Mod (man, I hate the word filter some days) into a reality. I need to get my ducks in a row first though.


I think my favorite comic is the Christmas one from the original series.

Takuma Nuva

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I would have thought something else would have taken hold by now.

I haven't been to the Comics forum in ages.

Do you know if anyone still happens to use Xaniskit?

For better or for worse, yes; the last comic I saw using it was one of the before-mentioned unintentionally hilarious comics.


Maaan, I just went back and re-read them all. Now I'm depressed because BZPower used to be so much more fun for me than what it is now. :( Even worse-so because with the archive gone I can't go back and look at all the funny comments and criticisms I got. That goes for comedies too.


I do miss the old days of making comics. I like to think that one day I'll turn that April Fool's joke of combining MNOLG with Garry's moderator (man, I hate the word filter some days) into a reality. I need to get my ducks in a row first though.


I think my favorite comic is the Christmas one from the original series.



Takuma Nuva

Yeah, times were great back then. I really miss the archives now. :(


Man, what happened to the Comics forums man. All the stuff that I used to read are now gone.

That's sort of expected- pretty much everyone grew up and left. There's a lot of comics I miss from back in the day, but all the great authors are gone and replaced with a generally less talented generation.

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