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What'd he do now?


Or is this just to him in general? Because then I completely understand.


But seriously, his fans are easily the worst type I've seen in such a long time.

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god I can't friggin stand PewDiePie


if you want good horror game commentary, Markiplier's the way to go


he's like PewDiePie without everything that makes PewDiePie so horrible and he has an extremely sexy voice to boot

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Right. Let's encourage people to dislike hyperactive YouTubers instead of simply not minding what doesn't affect them. Because that line of thinking doesn't cause enough controversy already. :rolleyes:

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lol @thinking people dislike him just because he's hyperactive


also I sincerely hope that you keep that "I don't mind what doesn't affect me" attitude of yours confined to dumb trivial stuff like this and don't apply it to things that actually matter, because otherwise that's quite possibly the worst line of thinking you could possibly have

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Comment removed on account of not seeing the point in turning this--of all things--into a debate.


Case in point: We've established that you dislike him and that I do not; nothing more needs to be said on the matter. Feel free to PM me if you feel otherwise.

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I am often told that I should be a lawyer. Must have something to do with my tendency to pick up on underlying implications in peoples' responses.


But I digress.


EDIT: I sincerely apologize for the crossed out section--rereading it, it sounds much harsher than intended. It should read more as "implications that I think might be there," as opposed to sounding as if they are there--for all I know, it's just me.

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Okay, I'm confused, what is so bad about this guy again? /hasn't watched anything by him yet

he has the maturity of a 12-year-old and relies on disgustingly sexist, racist, homophobic so-called "jokes" and then tries to justify them in the worst ways possible


his fanbase is also extremely militant and annoying, they encourage his already unacceptable and offensive behavior and then attack people who object

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