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An important reminder



If your style of writing involves drowning people in fourteen paragraphs, maybe the reason they don't speak up against you and your archaic viewset that is objectively wrong is because they don't feel like getting crushed under seventy tons of pixelated text.


And if you win debates by making the longest posts, congratulations. You've successfully captured the spirit of wearing someone down because you can't make anyone believe your views.


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also the fact that fairly often people just??? can't be asked to read through all of that to form an argument to debunk it

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also the fact that fairly often people just??? can't be asked to read through all of that to form an argument to debunk it

Which is a shame, because there's usually SO MUCH in there that's ripe for the ripping apart.


also thanks Ran 0u0

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Me, I try to keep my rants to eight paragraphs or so, but either my mind blanks or I write a college essay. D:

I know that feel. One always wants to be understood well, but unfortunately the Internet isn't particularly conducive to such complete descriptions; it's far more welcoming of snappy one-liners. (It's as if we have been collectively conditioned to expect nothing but ten-second AFV-style "fail" videos and cat pictures. One could also blame it on the glow of a back-lit screen, which glow becomes grating after a while.)


Although, I feel strangely compelled here to comment: I do not know what this post was made in response to (and you are more than likely in the right here), but if you go into a discussion believing that the other person is "objectively wrong," then I don't think any style of writing is likely to get you to agree with them. In other words, the problem is not always the length of an argument; very often, it stems from mutual obduracy. (Of course, in this case, one can easily see that a tiresome, lengthy, protracted response greatly exacerbates the problem: Who, unwilling otherwise to consider another viewpoint, would not be further irritated upon having to consider--or at least observe--it at great length? Thus, any post would irritate, but a fourteen-paragraph one would be sure to aggravate.)

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yes this entry is very good and i like it


there is much agreement coming from my direction (and also izaak you are amazing thank you)

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Allow me to put it like this, then. When someone's views conflict with established and proven facts, and they show a tendency to abuse their power to validate said erroneous views, I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about calling them objectively wrong.

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An important reminder: passive aggressive blog entries accusing no one in particular of a problem can be rude, even if they aren't meant to be.


I hope this awful (though short) rant wasn't directed at Aanchir or myself. Both of us tend to make long posts, but believe it or not, sometimes that's just to make our point in as few posts as possible, and try and eliminate the potential for misunderstandings. We have Asperger's Syndrome, which means we're not as adept at communication as some people. So we try our best to make ourselves clear from the start, and if that "wears you down", I hope you know that's not even close to what was intended.

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Allow me to put it like this, then. When someone's views conflict with established and proven facts, and they show a tendency to abuse their power to validate said erroneous views, I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about calling them objectively wrong.

Since this whole entry is so cagey and unspecific, I'll take your word and trust that you are totally correct in saying "objectively" wrong.


(BTW, feel free to PM me to clear up anything that you feel ought to be cleared up.)

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