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Call for Friend Codes



Now that I'm home for the week and can get online on my 3DS (which I'm working on rectifying at school as I plan on getting a router for my dorm while home), let's get to adding friend codes! For Pokémon mostly of course.


Mine's 3566-2711-5348. Let me know yours and I'll add you back. ^_^




P.S. If you see this, Blade, I do need yours again as I appear to have lost it...


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You would've lost it because of the whole thing last month. =P But no worries. xP


4425-1588-8276 is mine. ^^

And finally added. ^_^
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my friend safari only has 1 good mon

and it's quilladin.

Oh, and also anyone in here who hasn't added me, i'm adding you right now, so feel free to add my code, too.

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Hey... you already added me... alright. Guess I'm done here.

Mine's 1693-0634-1082 if anyone here wants to add me.


... Apparently some of you have. Might want to let me know... Doesn't do me any good if you don't tell me.

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my friend safari only has 1 good mon

and it's quilladin.

Oh, and also anyone in here who hasn't added me, i'm adding you right now, so feel free to add my code, too.



adding everyone in here, too



I have Ditto!



No idea what my Friend Safari things are. If you find out, could you tell me?

All added. And Lyichir, if I remember after I get through the looong new list of friend safaris I have, sure thing.


Hey... you already added me... alright. Guess I'm done here.

Mine's 1693-0634-1082 if anyone here wants to add me.


... Apparently some of you have. Might want to let me know... Doesn't do me any good if you don't tell me.

Yeah, did that this afternoon when I saw it in the sidebar of your blog. Sorry for not mentioning that too. :3




Edit: And, Lyichir, I do believe yours is Fire with Pyroar and Ponyta. Can't see the third one yet.

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My code is 5412-9992-6542. My friend safari has Fraxure and Dragonair at my moment. I don't know my third yet since I am taking things slow.


Feel free to add me, if you want.


- JMJ 2013

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My code is 5412-9992-6542. My friend safari has Fraxure and Dragonair at my moment. I don't know my third yet since I am taking things slow.


Feel free to add me, if you want.


- JMJ 2013

And added.


Haven't got anyone with a Dragonair yet. ^_^

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ET, you have Grumpigs and Espurrs! Why did you steal Xae's safari :b

To be fair, he also has Gothoritas.


So he took my safari and made it worse. =P

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I'm psychic, not sure what exactly.[/size]






ET, you have Grumpigs and Espurrs! Why did you steal Xae's safari :b

To be fair, he also has Gothoritas.


So he took my safari and made it worse. =P


Oh I was fully aware of everything I had. So there was sort of a reason I hadn't mentioned it. :P
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