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Age of Extinction

believe victims


Not a good look at much, though that didn't stop me from catching things that rub me the wrong way.

  1. Horned tyrannosaurs? Two-headed pterosaurs? Yes, we get it. They're robot dinosaurs, you're Michael Bay, and you get to do whatever the heck you want in the name of Rool of Cule. Whatever. It's stupid, but whatever.
  2. Is that flapping metal on Crosshairs or whatever? Really? Flapping metal, just to give cool "trenchcoat"? You could at least have TRIED making it conceivable.
  3. Is that Megatron? Again? There's only so many times you can kill him and bring him back to life before it stops being believable, you know.
  4. Busy, busy, busy. Everything is busy. This is nothing new to the franchise, and that just makes it even more annoying.

It seems a bit early to be passing final judgement, but this looks like another Bay trainwreck to me. All action and explosions, no substance.


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>Michael Bay


Dude, he hasn't made a film with anything so much as a passing resemblance to substance. The ten year olds may be entertained cause "kids aren't smart".

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The horns I can look past since they're such a small thing, but the two heads on Swoop... yeah, that's bothered me since a concept art of him leaked a while back. I don't like it.


Didn't even notice the flapping metal. Doesn't bother me.


Where'd you pick up on a Megatron? (But yeah of course he'll be back... but current rumor has him being the classically-named-for-a-revived-Megatron Galvatron.)


It still did its job at hyping me up, soooo... meh.

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The horns I can look past since they're such a small thing, but the two heads on Swoop... yeah, that's bothered me since a concept art of him leaked a while back. I don't like it.

They're not small to me. I could understand some eye crests; they're not accurate either, but they're much more discreet, much more dinosaur. The horns make him look like some sort of dragon.


Didn't even notice the flapping metal. Doesn't bother me.


It was the (rather prominent) trenchcoat on Crosshairs. If you look, not only is it colored like his green metal, it's got metal features underneath, yet it's flapping like some sort of miniature cape.


Where'd you pick up on a Megatron? (But yeah of course he'll be back... but current rumor has him being the classically-named-for-a-revived-Megatron Galvatron.)

I'm not CERTAIN it's him, but the face of the thing near the beginning resemble movie Megatron. Then again, half the Movie Decepticons look the same to me. Also it'd be interesting if they renamed him Galvatron considering they failed to do so the LAST time they brought him back.


After the last three movies, I can't say even the IDEA of another Bayverse movie appeals to me.

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>Michael Bay


Dude, he hasn't made a film with anything so much as a passing resemblance to substance. The ten year olds may be entertained cause "kids aren't smart".

The Island? That movie makes a passing resemblance to substance, I thought.



People living their lives in a virtual community they're told is a post-apocalyptic world, but they're actually clones of famous people used to harvest organs for deadly diseases?


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>Michael Bay


Dude, he hasn't made a film with anything so much as a passing resemblance to substance. The ten year olds may be entertained cause "kids aren't smart".

The Island? That movie makes a passing resemblance to substance, I thought.


People living their lives in a virtual community they're told is a post-apocalyptic world, but they're actually clones of famous people used to harvest organs for deadly diseases?




Once upon a time, Michael Bay actually tried, although I don't really think he ever really succeeded. But ever since he got the Transformers gig, he's been content to sit on ever-enlarging piles of money while making robots blow up over and over again. He even tried to make a TMNT movie with the plot of Transformers 1, just so he could be guaranteed even more money.


Whatever. I'm sure Age of Extinction will be just as stupid as the other Transformers movies, but at least Optimus gets to ride a giant space t-rex. Just give me something resembling a plot, no robots who are giant walking stereotypes, and a cast of human characters that doesn't make me lose all faith in humanity like Shia Thebeef and his extended family did, and this might actually be the first one I see in theaters. This probably isn't happening, but I can hope, can't I?


(Then again, I was the one who woke up one day after starting a new prescription medicine and brainstormed a whole plot concept and script for TF4 that actually sounded cool in my head, so maybe I'm confusing reality for my imagination. I'm sure I'm not the only Transformers fan with this issue....)

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