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Garreg Mach

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One of the Greatest



I'm hoping to do a full (spoiler free!) review of The LEGO Movie as soon as possible. For now, however, I will simply say that the film is an instant classic - it will go down in time alongside the best of the best. The film takes everything you know and spins it around a dozen times, flipping everything into a new perspective and sometimes arriving back where it started. There are very few films that I have wanted to continue watching after they ended (I can count them on one hand), and The LEGO Movie is one of them. There are no excuses to not see it.


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if you honestly believe that The Lego Movie is going to go down in history as one of the all-time cinematic greats, you really need to watch more movies.


it'll be a fan-favorite, yeah, but it's nowhere near a classic film.

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He watches plenty of movies. =P People have opinions. I pretty much never see movies in theater any more, so I have no opinions.

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"It's an amazing movie" is an opinion. "It is a classic film that will be counted among the all-time cinematic masterpieces" is not, it's an incredibly weighted claim, and if you've actually seen many movies that are considered classic, or even iconic for their era, I highly doubt you'd count The Lego Movie of all things among them.

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I don't see anything about The LEGO Movie that would indicate it is not worthy of joining those ranks. It goes above and beyond what it needed to be a great movie.


And I do watch many films - while I will never claim to see every film in cinemas or after the home release, that doesn't change that I have seen many and will see many more. It is my opinion that the film is a masterpiece and a classic, and I do believe my opinion will, in the years to come, transition to fact in this particular case.

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so far, the Lego fandom seems to be the only ones who think so. critics (mostly) love it, sure, but the only place I've seen anybody basically putting it on the same pedestal as films like 2001: A Space Odyssey or Casablanca is within the fandom. maybe it'll come to be considered a classic in animation, but not as one of the single greatest cinematic features of all time.


there are classes devoted to objectively studying film as an art form, and I do not see The Lego Movie being a topic that will come up in that context, ever.

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If you haven't seen the film yet, then you can hardly be telling me what I should or should not be thinking about it, no?

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again, I'll concede that it could potentially go down as a classic in animation, but I don't even have to see it in order to be certain that in 10 years it will not be mentioned in the same breath as Citizen Kane or 2001: A Space Odyssey by anyone who has objectively studied overall cinema as a form of art. it may go "above and beyond" what it takes to be a great film, but that does not make it a classic film.


I'm not telling you what to think about it, either - if you absolutely love it, awesome, if it's one of your favorite films ever, that's great (heck, I don't even consider many classic films to be among my favorites, but nor do I consider many of my favorites to be among classic films), just don't make weighted claims and insist that that they will soon be accepted as fact by everyone.

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