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We're just friends



I have never understood this idea people have that if two people of the opposite gender are really good friends, there has to be a desire for a relationship.


My best friend is a girl, and I can say that I've never wanted seriously to pursue a relationship with her. Not because there's anything I dislike about her, just because I don't think we'd make a good pair romantically. Plus she's a lesbian and I respect that. On that note, it's a good bet she's not interested in one with me either. Yeah we make plenty of inappropriate jokes about each other, and we're both completely open with each other about how we're feeling, but that doesn't mean we're interested in each other romantically.


Why is it so hard for people to accept the idea that I'm a guy, she's a girl, we have a ton of stuff in common, and we're not interested in a relationship?

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I don't know why people have such a hard time with that concept. I've had plenty of female freinds I had little to no interest in pursuing anything more with. Yet people assume I have some ulterior motive.

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I can relate, and I find it obnoxious when people immediately assume a girl and a guy are a couple when they're friends. It's disgusting, and it's uncalled for. It breaks friendships, and when people start gossiping about these sort of situations, it essentially distances you and your friend apart.



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Despite the fact that many (I'd even say most) of my close friends have been/are girls, I can't say I've ever had issues with people getting the wrong impressions. And honestly it's not an issue I've seen others have, either. Although maybe I'm just fortunate in that respect.


EDIT: Actually now that I think about it I was once asked if I was married to one particular friend, although that was for car rental paperwork purposes so it's a totally understandable question.


But, yeah, I can definitely see why that would be frustrating/borderline infuriating.

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It's because today's sick, pathetic world isn't content unless everybody's going around getting their freak on.


I know that feel, bro. I've had many relationships ruined because some jackwagon couldn't leave well enough alone and decided to start spreading rumors.

Takuma Nuva

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Eh, I get that sometimes. Most recently when I got together with an old high school friend and my mom thought it was a date and was totally shipping us together.


Still, it's nothing to fuss over, really. Sure it can get annoying, but if it's just friendship then it's simply just friendship. This is the twenty first century after all, so it's not unheard of. Really, you shouldn't have any reason to defend yourself or her in the first place, no matter what other people think.

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I think my parents ship me with every girl I mention having even the slightest interaction with. It was a little annoying at first, but I just decided to roll with it.

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