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Bionifight Profiles

Blessed Blade


I'm gonna use this to help iBrow out; this way, people can find their profiles easier, and maybe it can be linked somewhere so that there can be easy access.


The main player list will list the rounds they participated in, how many victories a player has, the rounds they became victor in, and the ultimate weapons/tools they have. The Rounds Player List will have links to each profile or the profiles posted here.


Please post your profiles in this entry for future reference.


Player List:


1 - Ehks - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, round 6 (The One Ring)

2 - Voxumo - (Rounds 1-9) - 2 victories, round 3/team round 4[MVP] (Blue Orb of Not Fire)

3 - JiMing - (Rounds 1-9)

4 - Zakaro - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, team round 2

5 - Unit#phntk#1 - (Rounds 1-3)

6 - Punished Snake - (Rounds 1-3, 7-9) - 1 victory, team round 2

7 - Canis Lycaon - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, team round 4, community update 1 creator (Usain Bolt)

8 - Tyler Durden - (Round 1)

9 - Portalfig - (Rounds 1-3) - 1 victory, team round 2

10 - Blade - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, round 5 (Ice Rod)

11 - Pupwa21 - (Rounds 1-3, 7-9) - 1 victory, team round 2

12 - Chro - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, team round 2[MVP] (Rocket Launcher of Exploding Heads)

13 - Onarax - (Rounds 1-3)

14 - The Dapper Man - (Rounds 1-4, 7-9) - 1 victory, round 1 (Butterfly Wings)

15 - JL - (Rounds 2-3, 5-9)

16 - ShadowVezon - (Rounds 4-9)

17 - Oryx - (Rounds 4-6) - 1 victory, team round 4

18 - Pulse - (Rounds 4-9) - 1 victory, team round 4

19 - LockeBZ - (Rounds 4-6)

20 - Shadowhawk - (Rounds 4-9)

21 - Pahrak #0579 - (Rounds 4-6) - 1 victory, team round 4[MVP] (Red Orb of Fire)

22 - Makuta Luroka - (Rounds 7-9)

23 - Toa Kayn - (Rounds 7-9)

24 - The Noid - (Rounds 7-9)

25 - Phantom Terror - (Rounds 7-9)


Rounds 1-3:


1 - Ehks

2 - Voxumo

3 - JiMing

4 - Zakaro

5 - Unit#phntk#1

6 - Punished Snake

7 - Canis Lycaon

8 - Tyler Durden/JL

9 - Protalgif

10 - Blade

11 - Pupwa21

12 - Chro

13 - Onarax

14 - The Dapper Man


Rounds 4-6:


1 - Ehks

2 - Voxumo

3 - JiMing

4 - Zakaro

5 - Canis Lycaon

6 - Chro

7 - Blade

8 - The Dapper Man/JL

9 - ShadowVezon

10 - Oryx

11 - Pulse

12 - LockeBZ

13 - Shadowhawk

14 - Pahrak #0579


Rounds 7-9:


1 - Ehks

2 - Voxumo

3 - JiMing

4 - Zakaro

5 - Punished Snake

6 - Canis

7 - Chro

8 - Blade

9 - JL

10 - Pupwa21

11 - Dapper Man

12 - ShadowVezon

13 - Pulse

14 - Shadowhawk

15 - Makuta Luroka

16 - Toa Kayn

17 - The Noid

18 - Phantom Terror


WIP - Will continue.


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Thanks; now I have to update it when iBrow updates for the new people too. =P


It's still a work in progress, since i need profiles and such, which go here too; and I haven't decided if i'll do anything else with the list, like split it into multiple posts or not. Because the round lists will eventually get too bg for this one entry. =P

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Profiles go here now, from the looks of it?


Well... here's my current Bionifight profile, not taking into account any future alterations I might make.


Member Name: Pulsating Explosive
Weapon: Stick(s) of Dynamite. Specifically made to be set off by plasma, or fire if the opportunity presents itself. Can be thrown, set down, or even consumed.
Power: Elemental powers over plasma, like that of a Toa of Plasma
Appearance: A creature that has the appearance of a Toa with mostly tan and burnt orange armour. Torso is primarily white, limbs are primarily tan covered in white armour. Hands, feet, and head are all burnt orange, with cyan eyes. The face of the creature resembles a a Kanohi Kakama.
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@the situation with Chro and Blade name placement... you all saw nothing. Chro has always been higher than Blade on the list!

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GASP! Voltex, how could you bork? Unthinkable!


Oh, and completely unrelated, but the positioning of the four first posts are hilarious. We got Edea and Ringabel, as well as Agnès and Tiz. =P

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