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Meanwhile, in Meiji era Los Angeles





Seriously though I really really hope the localization team just carries on and still pretends this is all happening in America. Yes that's right in early 1900s Los Angeles Phoenix Wright's great-grandfather became the first lawyer of the Meiji Restoration. In the great Empire of America.

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If they localize this, they'll probably say his family immigrated to the US or whatever. But I seriously doubt anyone would buy that.

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Nonsense. This could totally happen in America. Just like how we have villages of spirit mediums or a court system with no jury. DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THOSE DELICIOUS SAMURAI DOGS!

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Nonsense. This could totally happen in America. Just like how we have villages of spirit mediums or a court system with no jury. DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THOSE DELICIOUS SAMURAI DOGS!


Not to mention the fact that trials take place, not only in the same year as a murder, but often just a day or two after.



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If they localize this, they'll probably say his family immigrated to the US or whatever. But I seriously doubt anyone would buy that.

This is what I expect they will do if the game is localized. Since the story takes place entirely in the past, the connection to Phoenix might not even have to be mentioned in the game itself (depending on certain factors in the game itself, of course).


However, there are a couple things that could stop this from working quite so elegantly. The biggest would be if there are shared locations between this and the Phoenix Wright series. Particularly the series' most distinctive natural landmark, Gourd Lake.


In any case, as people have pointed out, the games have never been all that realistic, even in the original Japanese versions. Allegedly, the first case of the first game takes place in 2016, but all the cell phones are incredibly low-tech by today's standards.

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To be fair, while it'd be near impossible to portray this game as being in America, barring the possible eventuality of past locations like Kurain Village or Gourd Lake showing up, it could still be reconciled with the other localized games pretty well—Phoenix could easily have Japanese ancestry even if he lives in America.


I've never particularly minded the slightly schizophrenic attempts by the localization team to set the series in America. Sure, a village like Kurain existing in America stretches suspension of disbelief to the breaking point—but then again, so does a total lack of smartphones in either Japan or America as late as 2027 (the first Phoenix Wright game takes place only two years from now, which is wild).


EDIT: American Ninja'd by Aanchir.

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If it ever does get localised. It was a struggle enough to get AA5 and PWvsPL localised, and the spin-off Yakuza games based centuries ago never did see the light of the west. Then again, if it does get localised, I'll take as much traditional American green tea, while wearing the traditional American Gakuran outfit as they can offer. I'd eat my PS3 for Yakuza 5, though that seems a little counterproductive.

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I have read that comic so many times and I just noticed for the first time that Phoenix's suit randomly transforms into a kimono in the fourth panel. Suddenly instead of just being tongue-in-cheek the comic seems utterly surreal.
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If they localize this, they'll probably say his family immigrated to the US or whatever. But I seriously doubt anyone would buy that.

This is what I expect they will do if the game is localized. Since the story takes place entirely in the past, the connection to Phoenix might not even have to be mentioned in the game itself (depending on certain factors in the game itself, of course).


However, there are a couple things that could stop this from working quite so elegantly. The biggest would be if there are shared locations between this and the Phoenix Wright series. Particularly the series' most distinctive natural landmark, Gourd Lake.


In any case, as people have pointed out, the games have never been all that realistic, even in the original Japanese versions. Allegedly, the first case of the first game takes place in 2016, but all the cell phones are incredibly low-tech by today's standards.


Hopefully Gourd Lake just won't make an appearance, or if it does, they'll call it something else for the American release (assuming DGS takes place in Japan). Wouldn't be too hard to work around, as I'm sure any scenery from 100 years ago would look very different.



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