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describing what's real with what's imaginary

Taka Nuvia


Imaginary (also complex) numbers will never cease to amaze me; they're non-existant, yet come in handy when describing oscillating stuff and other real things. ^^


Apart from that, you don't happyn* to know any math puns, do you? 8D




*should have been 'happen' but I love the typo. xD

Also I'm totally bad at writing about stuff like this

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Why is 7 bigger than 9? - Because 7 8 9! xD I guess I happyn to know a very, very nerdy and overused math pun. :P



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Why is 7 bigger than 9? - Because 7 8 9! xD I guess I happyn to know a very, very nerdy and overused math pun. :P



Hm. I know that one with "afraid", as well as the version with the doctors... ^^

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Why is 7 bigger than 9? - Because 7 8 9! xD I guess I happyn to know a very, very nerdy and overused math pun. :P




This is a prime example of why you should never ask for puns.


Making puns this bad should be considered a sine.


To sum up, this won't end well.


- :burnmad:

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i (talking to pi): be rational


Pi (talking to i): get real


Also there was how my Calculus teacher proved that relationships are evil.


Relationships cost time and money. R=t·$


Time is money. t=$


R= $·$ or R=$^2


Money is the root of all evil. $^2= evil


R=evil. QED


Edit: Also happyn is adorable. <3

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I study maths and I've made more (advanced) math puns with my friends than you could ever possibly imagine. Also, the most horrible puns you can ever imagine but we've had an awful lot of laughs with them. :P


-Gata signoff.png

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Two soldiers are standing on a mobius strip. One says to the other: "Don't shoot, we're on the same side!"


That counts as math, right?

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Imaginary (also complex) numbers will never cease to amaze me; they're non-existant...

I have to argue against this: they do exist, they just exist outside of normal numbers; this is just like how irrational numbers exist outside of the set of fractions of whole numbers, but they still exist.


(Alternatively, there's the wonderful debate over whether any number actually exists, or whether they simply manifest themselves in our world, but that's a philosophical debate for another day. :P)


Unfortunately, my brain is not giving me any good puns right now.



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Why is 7 bigger than 9? - Because 7 8 9! xD I guess I happyn to know a very, very nerdy and overused math pun. :P



Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 has cold, dead eyes.


Did you know Bill Cosby is a trigonometric person? Yeah. Cosby = sin(b)/tan(b)


Okay, the last one was ridiculous. Most math is, but at least decimals have a point.


Deaf mathematicians use sine language.


Telling these puns is one of the sines of madness. The other is when it all starts to add up.

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Two soldiers are standing on a mobius strip. One says to the other: "Don't shoot, we're on the same side!"


That counts as math, right?

It totally does. :P



Imaginary (also complex) numbers will never cease to amaze me; they're non-existant...

I have to argue against this: they do exist, they just exist outside of normal numbers; this is just like how irrational numbers exist outside of the set of fractions of whole numbers, but they still exist.


(Alternatively, there's the wonderful debate over whether any number actually exists, or whether they simply manifest themselves in our world, but that's a philosophical debate for another day. :P)


Unfortunately, my brain is not giving me any good puns right now.




You know I had the exact same line of thought, then I got to the part where I wondered if any number could actualy be considered to exist so I decided not to say what I wanted to say about the imaginary numbers. :P


-Gata signoff.png

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You might think it mean to say, but these puns are all below-average.


In addition, I bet none of you even thought of them on your own, which really subtracts from their quality.



- :burnmad:

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... I love you all. :3 And the puns. Especially the puns.



Imaginary (also complex) numbers will never cease to amaze me; they're non-existant...

I have to argue against this: they do exist, they just exist outside of normal numbers; this is just like how irrational numbers exist outside of the set of fractions of whole numbers, but they still exist.





You know I had the exact same line of thought, then I got to the part where I wondered if any number could actualy be considered to exist so I decided not to say what I wanted to say about the imaginary numbers. :P

-Gata signoff.png



...okay, you two are right and I am wrong. I guess. It still doesn't change the fact that I really have a conceptual problem with complex numbers, but that's a different story.

I'll just put it differently: out of all the numbers I know, the complex ones just feel the least "real" to me. Okay? :D Although, that sounds really cheesy... :/

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