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Garreg Mach

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E3: Pac-Man sucks (Smash Files 37)



E3 2014 - Pac-Man Profile


Species: ???

Series: Pac-Man

First Appearance: Pac-Man (Arcade, 1980)

Favourite Appearance: Any arcade-style Pac-Man game

Party: 3rd

Known For: Revolutionizing gaming, not transferring to 3D well, being a terrible new addition to Smash.

Excitement Factor: 2/10 - I think we all knew (or suspected) that Pac-Man would end up in the game when it was announced that Namco was assisting in development. That does not mean that I like it, or that I even wanted it. I would take Agnes Oblige instead of this stupid person any day.





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To be fair, if third party characters are going to be in this game, adding the most iconic ones from the history of gaming (Sonic, Megaman and Pac-Man) is the best way to go.


Far better than some weird obscure character from some weird third party game I've never played. That said, I might have preferred him if he was always in the form from that second screenshot.


Also, what do you make of the potential characters listed in the Gematsu character leak?

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I think that leak had merit. If they can do chrom without him being a clone of the other sword characters I'm all for it.I could do without the choir boss though.

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I don't know if I'd agree with the 'not transferring to 3D well' part... It might've taken a few games, but one of the PS2 Pacman World games was a pretty solid platformer; but I don't remember if it was 3 or 4. Haven't really played the PS1 games, though.


I thought the same about Pacman being a not-so-great addition at first, before the video released, but then I was cautiously optimistic... Even if I'll likely never use Pacman. =P

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Pac-Man doesn't suck, he noms.


(also I was kinda excited too, honestly. I really liked that old 3d pacman world that blade is talking about as a kid.)

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I think the biggest problem is the same as Spyro; everyone thinks of his newest incarnation and, well, yeah. But, like Spyro, he did have a good incarnation at one point.

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To be fair, if third party characters are going to be in this game, adding the most iconic ones from the history of gaming (Sonic, Megaman and Pac-Man) is the best way to go.

Absolutely true. Better than Solid Snake who was clearly a personal favor from one developer to another.

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Plus, he's not "Pac-Man as Pac-Man," he's "Pac-Man as all of Namco," considering his attacks also reference Galaga at the least.

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I totally understand the decision to add him in and it makes sense; I'm just not really a fan off the character to begin with.

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To be fair, if third party characters are going to be in this game, adding the most iconic ones from the history of gaming (Sonic, Megaman and Pac-Man) is the best way to go.

Absolutely true. Better than Solid Snake who was clearly a personal favor from one developer to another.


Yeah - Snake was always a weird choice to me. They showed him to introduce third party characters, which naturally meant we were getting Sonic....and then that was it. Sonic and Snake - a weird pairing to choose.


But Sonic, Pac-Man, Megaman - now we're hitting the kind of characters I was expecting for Brawl.


That said....I really want Viewtiful Joe. And Professor Layton, who's half owned by Nintendo or something, right?

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