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New 3DS?



So according to a post on facebook I just saw we're getting a 3DS with dual control sticks and dual shoulder pads. But its still the 3DS. And they thought the 2DS would be confusing.


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You'd think after the WiiU flopping Nintendo would have learned to not keep reusing the same name... The large, large majority of the market isn't going to understand (nor even care) what makes them different if you use such a similar name.

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I'm all for new features, but this is just such a bad idea.    If you feel the need to make such drastic changes that require a new system to play, just release a new system.  Start the next generation of handhelds.  Don't isolate/anger the huge install base you've built up already for the 3DS.  After all, how many people will really buy a new system to play these games when they've already got an old 3DS?  And the name is so bad it hurts.


...really awesome improvements, though.  But if the Wii U has taught us anything, it's that presentation, marketing, and naming can cripple even the best advancements.

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As somebody who was looking to upgrade his 3DS to an XL anyway, this is probably the best news that I could possibly hear. To finally, finally fix the issue of analog sticks in a satisfying manner, as well as implementing new shoulder buttons and even improving the otherwise irritating perspective issues of the 3D, Nintendo have really outdone themselves on perfecting this handheld console and I'll be getting one as soon as it comes out. 


But could they really not think of a better name than "3DS"? Even titling it "Nu3DS" would have been an improvement. I doubt anyone would get that this is a required upgrade. Also, I'm more than a little frustrated to hear we have to wait until 2015 for a Western release. 

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As somebody who was looking to upgrade his 3DS to an XL anyway, this is probably the best news that I could possibly hear. To finally, finally fix the issue of analog sticks in a satisfying manner, as well as implementing new shoulder buttons and even improving the otherwise irritating perspective issues of the 3D, Nintendo have really outdone themselves on perfecting this handheld console and I'll be getting one as soon as it comes out. 


But could they really not think of a better name than "3DS"? Even titling it "Nu3DS" would have been an improvement. I doubt anyone would get that this is a required upgrade. Also, I'm more than a little frustrated to hear we have to wait until 2015 for a Western release. 

I'm all for them waiting as long as possible.  Let us get as much mileage out of our old 3DS's as possible, and then move on to the next generation.  Of course, the earlier they release it, the earlier it will be old news and go on sale.

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I've already gotten all the mileage out of my 3DS to acknowledge that it was money well spent. At this point it's starting to hurt my hands, and with all the games I still have yet to play I'd rather play that on a bigger screen than all cramped up and tiny.

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I got a 3DS in order to play regular DS games.  Before that I was still playing games on my GBA SP.


Basically, I seldom jump to the next big thing right away.  The 3DS was totally worth it in my opinion, and I was considering a future purchase for an XL anyway (because the A button on my 3DS is losing sensitivity.  If it goes completely, that will be my turning point.  Also the upper screen fell victim to those pesky vertical lines left by the edging from the touch screen and that's always bothered me.  Plus, you know, bigger screen.  It would be pretty.  Not to mention I did technically scratch my touch screen because I got Colors! 3D - that was before I got a cover for that... etc).


Yeah, a new 3DS doesn't sound so bad to me.  I'll probably get one, but no rush.  I've got some PLvsAA to experience right now (also, shortly, a new pokemon game).

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