wow i'm blogging like crazy about pokemon of all things hahahahahaha i am a nerd and have no life
So, as mentioned in my last entry, I was able to nab a shiny Eevee.
However, now I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. It's stats are around the board and it's nature isn't of much help. So I need some suggestions of what to evolve the little guy into. I realize that I don't have to use him to battle or anything like that, but I still want to evolve him into something that makes the best use of his stats while looking swaggin'. So here's some info on him:
IVs (31s are known for sure, others are estimated using an IV calculator):
HP: 31
Attack: ~30
Defense: ~21
Sp. Attack: ~28
Sp. Defense: 31
Speed: ~5
Nature: Brave (+attack, -speed)
He has no EVs (I'll Super Train him eventually) and is level 30.
I kind of want to evolve him into something where he looks rad but is still useful, but the attack-centric evolutions (Flareon and Leafeon) don't have great shinies. He has an alright special stat so I've been leaning towards Vaporeon, but I'm looking for suggestions.
so yeah suggestions gogogo
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