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So that's what an emergency room is like...

Takuma Nuva


Every year my father's parents go south for the winter. As such, we do Thanksgiving with his side of the family early every year.


Man, I was really looking forward to those candied yams.


As it would so happen, I developed severe abdominal pains over the course of last night, eventually plateauing around six or seven AM. Between the pain and complete lack of sleep it got so bad that my mind was falling to pieces. Every time I closed my eyes my brain would take over and I can distinctly remember fighting off visions of my pain being a piece of real estate or something I needed to log away in a database. I couldn't focus to save my life. My mother rushed me to urgent care where I involuntarily demonstrated some of the human body's autonomous functions (I'll spare you the details). When I was finally able to walk from the lobby to a room they performed the usual checks and drew my blood (I HATE NEEDLES) for testing. Upon determining that this was not the result of some food-borne illness/poisoning, they stuck me in a wheelchair and sent me over to the emergency room, fearing appendicitis. After suffering for God only knows how many hours, the pain began to subside. They took another blood sample for testing (I FRIGGIN' HATE NEEDLES), hooked me up to an IV (MATA NUI, DO I HATE NEEDLES), and began running more tests. At nearly three in the afternoon I was finally allowed to leave. At this point, we still don't know for sure what caused this onset. It was likely something viral, but we can't completely rule out the possibility that I could develop appendicitis within the next few days.


The thing even I don't understand at this point is how or why, while I felt like my insides were being torn apart, did I keep cracking jokes the whole time. "Does this wristband get me unlimited rides in the wheelchair?" "Lucky for you I'm such a light-weight to wheel around." "What's wrong with me? I got bored." I tell you what though, I was getting some strange looks from the hospital staff.


Good times.


In other news, Bionicle is coming back. If it's a continuation, sweet. If it's a time-leap, also sweet. If it's a reboot, dadgummit, I'll still follow along but I won't be as happy about it.



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...Not a doctor, don't take my word, but what you're describing sounds a lot like what I went through when my appendix burst.  If you start developing abdominal pain again, or begin feeling very nauseated, I'd get back to urgent care ASAP.  (Which I'm sure is pretty much what they told you, but - serious stuff.)

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Yeah, that's a big part of the reason I'm not going up north for Thanksgiving. But by merit of the way the pain manifested and then the manner in which it subsided, it is very unlikely to be the case. Still not gonna take any chances though.

Takuma Nuva

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Well I guess I was lucky that during my trip to the emergency room I was nearly unconscious.


Man, pain like that just... is bad. I'd say "pain in the neck" but then it wasn't in your neck and that's kinda getting too literal and so I'll just end with "pain is no fun" and leave it at that. I hope that A: it doesn't happen to you again and B: they determine the cause and fix it. But awesome that you kept your sense of humor!


And I hate needles too. Always feel queasy when they have to stick me with some. I just try not to watch, and a few times that helps where I'm all like "So when's the poke coming" and they're like "Uh, we just did it." Hope you can be spared getting turned into a pincushion.



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Thanksgiving. October. Why not? (Oh, Canada..)


Ah, right. Yes, you're probably seriously ill. That's a thing and a legit take-away from all this. (I am a horrible person)


In all seriousness, best of luck and here's hoping for your health.


(Also, can we hang out sometime? Cracking jokes in that condition kinda makes you awesome)

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I probably shouldn't be responding to this one, but I know what that is like. 




And it sucks. Hopefully it won't happen to you again. 

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I don't appreciate this appendix of yours. If it happens again just hit me up and I will come take care of it for you. D=<


(Hope it doesn't happen again, glad you're okay though.)

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Thanksgiving. October. Why not? (Oh, Canada..)


Ah, right. Yes, you're probably seriously ill. That's a thing and a legit take-away from all this. (I am a horrible person)


In all seriousness, best of luck and here's hoping for your health.


(Also, can we hang out sometime? Cracking jokes in that condition kinda makes you awesome)

You're no more horrible than I. :)


But seriously, I would totally like to hang out with you and your bro sometime; that'd be awesome. When's the next time you'll be in MN? :P


I probably shouldn't be responding to this one, but I know what that is like. 




And it sucks. Hopefully it won't happen to you again.

Dang straight, "OW". I don't care if my veins bulge larger than most people, that IV didn't hurt any less going in.


I don't appreciate this appendix of yours. If it happens again just hit me up and I will come take care of it for you. D=<


(Hope it doesn't happen again, glad you're okay though.)

Well, at this point, we don't believe it was actually the appendix (hopefully), so let's not go ripping out any body parts unnecessarily, 'k? :lookaround:


Thanks for all the feels, people. I'm doing better now. Mostly just really sore from all the Dovahkiin-level dry heaving.

Takuma Nuva

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Dang! I was wondering why I haven't heard back from you! I hope you stay feeling better! I sent you a message, my inbox was full but i got it all cleared out. Please let me know what you think!



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