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Garreg Mach

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Update Jan. 15: Changed banner so that it links to the revised version.

UPDATE JAN 17: Edited banner so that it links to new revised version!


update january 18 - We've gone off to the official request topic! Read what is hopefully the final version of the RPG by clicking the updated banner link below!


Update Jan 27: We have been approved! Stay tuned - we release in the next few days!



Click that banner, and you'll be taken to the proposal post for my RPG project, which has been a very long time in the making. Bionifight Infinite began as merely an idea known as the "Bionifight RPG" way back in 2012, when I was considering possible directions for the series. I eventually decided that becoming an RPG would be too large of a jump, and that I was not ready; so I went a bit smaller with Bionifight Ultimate back in January of 2014.


But I knew that eventually, I wanted to host a Bionifight RPG - in September I began to really think about what that would entail and how much work I would need to put into it. In November, once Bionifight Ultimate: Drift Force was closed, I began laying the physical groundwork. Knowing I would need help, I contacted Blade soon after and hired her on as a staff member for the RPG; about a week or two later I got in contact with Chro and he joined the team as well.


Now we are ready to show Bionifight Infinite to you all. I hope you like it - and I hope you'll consider playing. No prior experience with the series is necessary. :)



E: Yes, this is what I was teasing you all about ;D

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Hmm... How exactly is this anything different from the regular bionifights. While I admit it looks awesome, I'm just not sure how exactly it qualifies as an RPG.

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Hmm... How exactly is this anything different from the regular bionifights. While I admit it looks awesome, I'm just not sure how exactly it qualifies as an RPG.

Exploration stuff and an overarching plot for once.
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Hmm... How exactly is this anything different from the regular bionifights. While I admit it looks awesome, I'm just not sure how exactly it qualifies as an RPG.

Exploration stuff and an overarching plot for once.


Hmm... And does this have to be approved or has it already been approved? I'm not sure on the rpg process

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It has to be discussed for a bit in that topic, then sent to the judges for approval.


I think if it were possible, we would've even kept it secret until it was approved, but, well, that's not quite possible. =P

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As well if this happens we could like


actually have interactions between characters that affect the game without having the game closed =P

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Yes. There is an overarching story, although if players wish to merely play for the arena battles that will also be possible. Non-battle interactions between players (even in the arena) are now actually possible and not against the rules, so that's cool too!

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As well if this happens we could like


actually have interactions between characters that affect the game without having the game closed =P

Ding ding ding. =P
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why did this take so long to make happen


Because I did not feel that I would be able to host an amazing RPG until a few months ago after the whole HF RPG thing.

(To clarify: I totally dropped the ball there, but it was 1.5 years ago now so I'm ready to try again)

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When I joined, I made a rule that I would always follow. 


Never make a post in Bionicle RPG. 


Today, I have broken this rule. You better not make me regret this. 

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When I joined, I made a rule that I would always follow. 


Never make a post in Bionicle RPG. 


Today, I have broken this rule. You better not make me regret this. 


The plan is for nobody to ever regret Infinite at all. 


It is, as they say, infinite.

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Can it be joined without any knowledge of how the games before work?




This is probably the easiest-to-understand game in the series due to a variety of factors that include streamlining, simplifying/removing things so that a story could make sense, and also changes made with regards to the shift over to the RPG forum.

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Good, good. I've been looking to join up with Bionifight ever since the first epic mentioned it. Now I'll finally get to make my scrapyard toa punch other, better built ones in the face!


Assuming Xaeraz gets past approvals.

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*smashes Xaeraz's Toa in the gut with a warhammer*


I'm still scratching my head over what to call my new Toa and what power she's going to have. :P I'm used to playing Bionifight as myself, so this could be an interesting adjustment. 


But the warhammer...the warhammer is essential. Must have. 

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While I will miss using my vortixx, I do have a toa in mind for this, and luckily I already have a weapon and power in mind... hint hint, same ones i've always used. 


Also for the bio section, are we allowed to reference the past bionifights, claiming something like 'A champion of previous bionifight tournaments'?

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Can I say I'm still a bit annoyed at the players in the Discussion Topic?


Some of them have good points but most of their arguments boil down to the belief that action is only tasteless fluff with no substance. A stance I disagree with vehemently.


(also, trying to figure out what to make the character, but I'm seriously considering making them similar to Bedman from Guilty Gear Xrd is this a good idea y/n? =P)

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I totally agree, JiMing. Hopefully we can get them to come around though.
Bedman... well, I don't know. Seems a little frivolous and we're going for a tone more serious than the usual Bionifight fare (i.e. no donuts, sorry fish) but if you could adapt it somehow, I don't see why it couldn't be Bedman-inspired.

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Weapon of choice is a pillow. He smothers his enemies in the middle of the arena.


(Also, Fish, go for the upper chest, not the gut. He's pretty top heavy)

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I don't know about you, but while the name Bedman is silly, the way he fights actually could be interesting. Like, yeah, he fights using a bed, but it's a bed with spiky wheels and all manners of gadgets to fight people with. =P And the concept of sending out an attack, and leave behind a mark that lets you spawn an echo of that attack is also pretty cool. 


Certainly better than using a pillow as a weapon, that's for sure. =P

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