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Garreg Mach

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Update Jan. 15: Changed banner so that it links to the revised version.

UPDATE JAN 17: Edited banner so that it links to new revised version!


update january 18 - We've gone off to the official request topic! Read what is hopefully the final version of the RPG by clicking the updated banner link below!


Update Jan 27: We have been approved! Stay tuned - we release in the next few days!



Click that banner, and you'll be taken to the proposal post for my RPG project, which has been a very long time in the making. Bionifight Infinite began as merely an idea known as the "Bionifight RPG" way back in 2012, when I was considering possible directions for the series. I eventually decided that becoming an RPG would be too large of a jump, and that I was not ready; so I went a bit smaller with Bionifight Ultimate back in January of 2014.


But I knew that eventually, I wanted to host a Bionifight RPG - in September I began to really think about what that would entail and how much work I would need to put into it. In November, once Bionifight Ultimate: Drift Force was closed, I began laying the physical groundwork. Knowing I would need help, I contacted Blade soon after and hired her on as a staff member for the RPG; about a week or two later I got in contact with Chro and he joined the team as well.


Now we are ready to show Bionifight Infinite to you all. I hope you like it - and I hope you'll consider playing. No prior experience with the series is necessary. :)



E: Yes, this is what I was teasing you all about ;D

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Yeah, the attack echo thing is a cool concept, but I think it'd have to be paired with another ability to be useful. Like, you're not going to mark and copy punching someone in the face, but you would probably want to mark and copy shooting someone with three converging lightning bolts.

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Physical attacks could still have some merit to being used, you could bait someone to leap and avoid your attack, then activate the attack echo to replicate an previous attack that reached upwards, though I do agree standard punches and such would have little use.


So I'm trying to come up with a power that would be dream-like and effective at the same time that also synergizes with the attack echo concept. Best thing I can come up with is a object-spawning power, how would that work?


Also, would a mech like the one Bedman uses be acceptable if the person piloting it wasn't powerful enough to fight without it? As in, barely able to scratch the average Toa otherwise? I could make it not bed-shaped, but I've never used a character that doesn't use hand to hand combat and I wanna try something different for this game...

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I don't know if that'd be acceptable. I could make my character be an absurdly tiny rodent who just happens to be intelligent and pilot an indestructible mech suit. My character on his own is technically super easy to defeat; but for all intents and purposes, he's always going to be a hulking robot rather than a rat. :P

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Now who said anything about the mecha being hulking? =P Again, I don't remember Bedman's vehicle being massive, I mean, it's technically larger than most fighters but a competent opponent could go toe-to-toe with it still. Not to mention, having things like an open cockpit (or none at all) also help with the whole 'still beatable' thing. 


Basically, the device wouldn't be superior to other opponents.... It'd just be the character who's inferior to the rest on his own and needs a small mech to even out the odds and channel his powers. =P

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Doesn't having two powers and a weapon seem a... bit much?

Member Name: GregF

Name: Tahu

Species: Toa

Power/Weapon 1: Mask of Shielding. Protects against all attacks user is aware of.

Power/Weapon 2: Elemental power over Fire

Power/Weapon 3: Sword

Appearance: Tahu_Mata_Set.png

Bio: Can't reveal that right now.

Personality/Other: The Leader One

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Yes, Xaeraz, if we base it off of actual characters, then it is completely legitimate. However at this point what sets it apart from many of the other RPGs? Heck what even sets it apart from the Bzprpg, aside from plot and the implementation of a 'battle' system. 


It just seems like with adding even more powers/weapons we are wandering even further from the original concept of Bionifight. Afterall do you really want to fight someone who has 3 separate powers?

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Increasing it to three powers/weapons/tools was done to appease the RPG forum regulars. We wouldn't even be making it to judging otherwise.

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I think Mr. Xaeraz has his source of spare parts now. 

I'm suddenly picturing my fighter just covered in armor made from people who didn't have fun.

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I think Mr. Xaeraz has his source of spare parts now. 

I'm suddenly picturing my fighter just covered in armor made from people who didn't have fun.

with weapons made from their spines.

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I think Mr. Xaeraz has his source of spare parts now. 

I'm suddenly picturing my fighter just covered in armor made from people who didn't have fun.

with weapons made from their spines.


Probably a whip, really.


I'm thinking of calling it a Cat O' Spine Tails

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I think Mr. Xaeraz has his source of spare parts now. 

I'm suddenly picturing my fighter just covered in armor made from people who didn't have fun.

with weapons made from their spines.


Probably a whip, really.


I'm thinking of calling it a Cat O' Spine Tails



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Can the Cat O' Spine Tails be a, like, supper strong weapon a player gets for giving the Queen an Infinity Gem?


We shall see

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