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Giveaway: GameCube Controller Adapter

Jedi Master J.


Entry Period is closed now. I should have results up in a bit.




Hey, folks. I thought pop in today and let you all know that I have a GameCube Controller Adapter up for grabs (Mostly because the friend, that I brought it for awhile back, doesn't need it actually since they manage to find one themselves.).


So yeah, if you want it, leave a comment in this entry. Oh, and to be fair about it, I am going pick who will get it from a random number generator. Also you have till midnight on Friday night (AKA February 28th [saturday], 12:00 AM EST) to leave a comment here.


***Entry List***


1) Avohkah Tamer


2) Ballom




4) Obessionist


5) Parugi


6) Pomegranate


7) Major Alex Louis Armstrong


8) Baltarc


9) Brappy Hour






That's all I got to say for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and may the odds ever be in your favor. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2015

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That's so incredibly generous of you! I've been looking for one of these for ages, so I'd love a chance in this drawing!



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Don't put me in the drawing - I don't have a Wii U to use an adapter for haha - but this is cool and just jeez man. This is really awesome of you!

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(don't put me in, my roommate has the adapter and wii u so i don't need another)

Just echoing Portal's statement. This is an amazing thing to do, man, especially considering how expensive these things are. You're awesome, man.

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