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Have you prepared?



I just want to make sure that everyone here has a secret password ready just in case they travel back in time and need to convince their past selves that they are from the future.


A good Future Password would be something that you have never told anyone, impossible for anyone to guess, and that would give you the greatest flexibility in terms of time travel (i.e. the earlier this password would work on you, the better). My own password, for instance, would let me convince all past iterations of myself up to 1995.


Be especially careful about the first two rules. If there's even a tiny chance that someone could guess your password, that defeats the whole purpose. Because it is more likely that you will be a victim of an elaborate ruse than future you actually travelling back in time, you have to make sure your password is something no one else could ever know (I mean, this is just standard preemptive inductive reasoning, guys).


Now some naysayers out there might be wondering why you even need a password at all. Surely you could just be like the guy from a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and predict some future event to show everyone you're telling the truth. Well that's a horrible plan! First of all, in the time all of you have been alive, we know how to predict eclipses and other astronomical events, so you aren't convincing anyone with that shtick. Plus, how many of your have memorized recent history? Unless you're an autistic savant, you're going to have to sit around for a while waiting for an event you remember to transpire. Complete waste of time.


If you can't think of something past you would know that know one else knows, then may I suggest making a Future Password now? Who knows, a future version of you could be spontaneously appearing right about... now.


... now.



.... now.













... now.



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Time travel is not done physically, it is done mentally. Also that moment when your future self is a manipulative jerk, even more so than you are now. =/

Well now you're just being silly.

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Oh sure, then become the richest man on the planet, with at least five corrupt departments of the government in your back pocket.


... Also I just realized. Why -would- Biff have stayed in Hill Valley? He shoulda been living in Vegas or something.


... Also just realized. What if we -all- are already mental time travelers but our dominant personalities (ie, our present-time conscience) drove out the rogue personality invasion?

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Do it as Biff did in BTTF2- buy a sports almanac before you traval back.



You're thinking too small.  Bring back an offline version of Wikipedia.  Control the world.

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Regarding astronomical events, while some such as comets and eclipses are consistent and predictable, many are not. Good ones are supernovae and solar flares.


Also, backwards time travel is generally a very bad thing because it involves messing with the future path of the thing that traveled, meaning the exact circumstances of the trip through time are altered, creating a cascade of paradoxes that will tear the universe apart.


Okay, I made up that last part. But backwards time travel definitely messes with causality.


Unless everything is predetermined, in which case the time travel itself is what sets the stage for it to happen. See Star Trek: First Contact.



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Regarding astronomical events, while some such as comets and eclipses are consistent and predictable, many are not. Good ones are supernovae and solar flares.


Also, backwards time travel is generally a very bad thing because it involves messing with the future path of the thing that traveled, meaning the exact circumstances of the trip through time are altered, creating a cascade of paradoxes that will tear the universe apart.


Okay, I made up that last part. But backwards time travel definitely messes with causality.


Unless everything is predetermined, in which case the time travel itself is what sets the stage for it to happen. See Star Trek: First Contact.



Not if you subscribe to a cosmology that accepts multiple timelines, wherein your travelling back in time has created a parallel series of events that do not affect your timeline of origin (where you hadn't travelled back in time).  Thus causality is preserved, and you get to use your alternate timeline future knowledge to rule the world!

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