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Welp I did it again

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, I'm honestly not great at debates. I like picking the unpopular opinion and looking more into why people disagree in the first place. Call me crazy or a hypocrite or whatever, but I believe there are two sides to every story. No matter how prejudiced or biased I may be initially, my opinions tend to change with more information that I pick up.


And, yeah, it's easy to write off that other group of people as being totally stupid for having opinions (and let's be honest, threats occurred on both sides of the spectrum, so no hiding behind "they are crazy because they have that opinion" because that's not thinking logically or using your brain. Also, sending threats to people over movie opinions is just plain acting like a child who can't be bothered to articulate their thoughts). But hey, nobody's perfect. Everyone is problematic on some level, including me.


Anyway, I know I'm never a popular guy when I explore an unpopular opinion, but I would rather explore why people are upset in the first place and admit defeat and learn a thousand times over than I would stay quiet and remain ignorant. (Even if it is just something as silly as a debate over movies)


So, mild rant over. According to blog policy, feel free to hit me over the head with any object of your choosing.

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I find it rare to see debates where each side is respectful to the other, especially on BZP. In my experience, trying to see things from the other side's point of view can just alienate me from my original side, and the opposing side is still against me because, well, I still disagree with them and think they're stupid. So if you're going to go into one, wear emotional battle armor. (I don't know what debate you're referring to, I'm just going to assume it's "Who would win in a fight between Onua and Pohatu.")



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I do the same thing, more on principle that whenever you agree with someone it's SO INCREDIBLY BORING. So why not pick a different side? Keep the conversation going, maybe find more depth to an issue, etc.
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@Dorek and xccj; Thank you both, but those are not objects being slapped on my head. XP


Also to clarify, the threats were not on bzp. The debate on site didn't resort to name calling.

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I'm not the kind of person who will take up an unpopular opinion just for the sake of playing devil's advocate, but I do try to understand other people's perspectives even when they disagree with me. You can never see eye-to-eye with others if you assume anyone who disagrees with you only does so because they're stupid or evil (which is often the conclusion people jump to in the nastiest disagreements). It's easily for two intelligent people with an equally strong moral compass to still come to different conclusions on a particular issue.

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I tend to do the same thing - and what bothers me most is that most people in debate don't actually take the time to think about both sides. They don't consider the opposition before they say something. And usually that means that when they get caught saying something that doesn't hold water, they get butthurt when it's pointed out and the once-intelligent discussion only goes downhill from there. 


I used to debate a lot on the internet (I still can't help myself on FB sometimes), but for the most part I've given up. I hit a point at which I realized I was the only one actually debating with an open and changeable mind (and my mind was changed on at least one occasion)... everyone else tends to just grab an opinion and chain themselves to the ship even while it's sinking. 


Debates in person, while also potentially troublesome, are a LOT less likely to end in petty insults and a refusal to listen. And, for some reason, when I realize we're at a fundamental impasse and propose that we 'agree to disagree', they will almost always be OK with that in person, and almost never online.

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Heh, yeah, truth be told I should be less emotional when debating. I can act butthurt too, and personal pet peeves tend to get into the mix. I should probably try and be more objective when debating things, though it's also not easy when the subject of debate is subjective by its nature.


And yeah, arguing online isn't always pretty. Still I feel like I probably should sharpen some debate skills and get better at carrying myself because I have a feeling it will come in handy sometime down the line.


At any rate, Zox Tomana has earned twenty points for his weapon of choice while Major Maes Hughes is awarded with a bucket of fish. Clearly this is still anyone's game, folks!

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time to smack you with the concept of the word "smack" itself, because concepts make wonderful smacking devices.

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Nice use of random items. You get a gold star. It has eyes and it is saught after by a plumber for some reason.


Also, I would be more specific, but at this point I'm fine with letting bygones be bygones.

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*takes bucket of fish from Portal and bonks you with it*


Not sure what this blog is referring to, though.


why you be taking me fish, Fishers?




for that matter, why'd I even have a bucket of fish?



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Do not question the point system. It is sentient and vengeful. Unless of course you're skilled in 3-D chess mixed with Tai Chi. Then you might have a shot.

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*takes bucket of fish from Portal and bonks you with it*


Not sure what this blog is referring to, though.

why you be taking me fish, Fishers?

I needed a convenient bonking device. 

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I knew it. You were debating putting a disco ball in the comvee again.


Everyone is for it; I don't know why you're hesitating or bringing Eastern philosophy into the mix.



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