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Movie Recommendations

Black Six


Every now and then in conversation someone will mention a movie they love that I haven't seen. There's also a bunch of films from the past few years that I wanted to see but never got around to. So I've decided to finally make a list of all these films to keep track of and help motivate myself to actually watch them.


Below is the list I have so far, but I'm sure it's not complete. That's where you guys come in. What are some of your all-time favorite movies, or movies that you think are worth seeing for their artistic or storytelling merits?


Please make your suggestions in the comments. If there are movies people suggest multiple times that I've already seen, I'll make a separate list of those to help with duplicates.


To Watch:

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Terminator Salvation

The Hurt Locker

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

X-Men: First Class

BZP Lovers 3

The Dark Knight Rises


Wreck-It Ralph


A Good Day to Die Hard

Monsters University

The Wolverine

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

X-Men: Days of Future Past




The Imitation Game

Kingsman: The Secret Service


Thanks everyone!


Recommended Comments

The Haunting (1963) is one of my personal favorites in the horror genre. It is treated as a psychological horror without any blood or gore and deals with more of a mental illness and one of the characters is coded gay (and I feel she is well written considering the time period it takes place in). It's not too mature or graphic in its content.


The House on Haunted Hill, however, has a wonderful cheese factor with special effects for the time period. It's actually kind of interesting to see old black and white films and compare them to modern ones. I watch these two around Halloween to cheer myself up when the weather starts to change. (Watch the latter with a group of friends if you want to nitpick it apart, it is fantastic for a group activity. XD)


UP is one of my absolute favorites, and Princess and the Frog is just amazing to me, especially considering the simple Brothers Grimm story it was based off of. Though I might be missing other stories with that theme, so... eh, might just shop that around in some research when I get a chance.


Lilo and Stitch is fantastic, though you might have already seen it.


Singing in the Rain is fun enough, but I mainly watch it for Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds because in their prime they were seriously amazing actors.


Into The Woods (theatrical, not Hollywood) is also one of my all-time favorites as it explores the fairy tale mythos of the Brothers Grimm and seems to add in a bit of an Andersen touch at the end. I haven't seen an actual play in person, but if I ever get the chance, I would love to help act it out by playing the baker. Like, that would be amazing to me.


The Fox and the Hound speaks to me too because I was raised in the Country Side and I have gotten attached to many of my childhood pets.


I have this old documentary on Hans Christian Andersen I've been meaning to watch on VHS. Apparently ancient technology is still among us. I'm not saying it was aliens, but, uh... it was aliens.

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