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1. What is absolutely "Magnificent!" according to Mata Nui?

2. Is Krekka Blue or Red?

3. What were Thulox' and Morak's role in the 2007 story?

4. How did Onua save Lewa from Skull Spiders in the animations?

5. When Vezon appeared in 'The Kingdom' alternate universe, who did he kill?

6. When did Brutaka stop being a character and more of a tool?

7. How many Makuta died in 2008, including the ones that survived and later died in 2010?

8. What explosive fruits grow on Mata Nui, Bara Magna, and Okoto?

9. The Lord of Skull Spiders carries out the bidding of which entities?

10. How did Makuta Teridax die in the serials after surviving a moon to the head?

11. How many incarnations of Tahu are there, including all the canister versions of Tahu, the 2017 titan form, and all the ones ever bought?

12. At what time of day did Vakama discover the supposedly true Toa Metru were actually the Rahaga?

13. No matter how much he might want to, Vakama can't just change - because that's what friends do! How did Whenua change?

14. Keetongu is the wielder of which legendary weapon?

15. The Kanohi Ignika, Mast of Life, has a mind of its own - how did it free itself from Mata Nui's spirit in the serials?

16. Which Protector has the biggest guns?

17. Which of the Rahkshi is Makuta's favourite son?

18. Visorak are known not only as the Stealers of Life, but also the Stealers of...?

19. Vakama forged the Mask of Time. Who forged it on Okoto?

20. What is absolutely spectacular?

21. Who is the Toa of Space?

22. Before he was a Toa, Takanuva was which Protector?

23. The Mask of Ultimate Power is able sever which connections?

24. When the Protectors summoned the Toa Mata after 1000 years, how long did it take for thousands of Piraka to spread across and destroy the sandy desert of Mahri-Nui, much to the annoyance of Turaga Dume?

25. When Skull Slicer fought the slizer Flare in the mountains of Xia, what spectacular thing stopped them?

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1: Another Hafu Original.  (Much better than the first.)
2: I would think Krekka would lean more to the Republican side, but honestly I don't think he'd vote at all.
3: Trick question; they didn't have a role in the story.  :P  (well, I guess they collected air bubbles as a group, and one of them was "afraid" once, but dat's about it.)
4: Mispronounce "lever" in American.
5: Who didn't he kill?
6: 2005, the year before he appeared.
7: All of them.  Except Miserix-face, but I'm sure he was going to die if the story had continued.
8: Madu Kabu, but I spent the first eight years believing it was Bula Berries.
9: The Lady of the Skull Spiders AKA his wife.
10: Diabetes.
11: One, all the rest are ripoffs.
12: Probably during Happy Hour.
13: He got smaller.
15: By making a body for itself out of plant sludge.
16: Protector of the Second Amendment
17: Lerahk, it was kind of an opened secret.
18: Steel
19: Time worp from G1 to G2.
20: Hafu's third original.
21: Pohatu Nuva cause he's FAT!
22: Protector of LAZINESS!
23: To the sever... good luck finishing that fanfiction now.
24: 1 year cannically, 5 years in real time.
25: Roborider Dust in a Cyber Slam vehicle.



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1. The Rainbows within himself?
2. He's Green in the movie. 
3. To hide Backstage and be insignificant.
4. By hitting the Leever
5. A few jokes.
6. When his only use was as a portal.
7. All
8. Apples. Anything will explode if you hook up C4
9. The Protectors, in a Strange plot twist, it turns out that the Protectors have been controlling all this. They Hated Ekimu, and when the Toa Came to save him, they decided to make his tomb heavily guarded, and then send them to their doom. 
10. He died in Cereal? What Kind?
11. 42
12. Afternoon, Maybe Morning, and Possibly Night.
13. He became Grey.
14. Cyclops Glasses
15. It didn't. It hid, it ran away, It turned silver, but never freed itself.
16. Protector of Strength hahahaHAHAHAHA
17. Turahk, He's always Feared losing that one.
18. Metru Nui, apparently. 
19. Vakama G2
20. This

21. Astro-Toa 
22. Protector of fire, but he couldn't figure out how to use fire.
23. WiFi Connections.
24. 2 and a half.
25. Scuba?

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1. Click's tranforming powers. 

2. Blue like me and you.

3. I think the red one (the one I didn't buy) was mentioned in one of the novels, but it was basically non-existent.

4. He bashed.

5. Although the off-hand mention in the serial doesn't mention this, I'd assume Vezok or any of the other Piraka.

6. "Destiny War: Chapter One"; the war did things to him...
7. 10: Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, Mutran, Icarax, Tridax, Bitil, Krika, Gorast, and Teridax.

8. Madu, Thornax, and go-boomberries.
9. Makuta and Kulta.
10. Mata Nui nuked him just to be sure.
11. Over 9,000!

12. 13:13 am.

13.  He stopped saying things like, "Cause that's what friends do."

14. Whirling Sheilds.

15. By using the power of Unity.

16. Stone or Jungle.

17. Samual L. Jackson.

18. Pie.

19. The Son of the Protector of Fire.

20. Spider-Man

21. Onua because he takes up so much of it.

22. The Protector of Light, duh.
23. Your internet connection.
24. Long enough for an epic 22 minute direct to Youtube special.
25. Spider-Man, because everyone gets one.

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1. Pretty much everything

2. Blue

3. N/A

4. He didn't

5. Happiness and joy everywhere

6. Brutaka was always kind of a tool

7. I wish they all did

8. Madu, Thornax, Explosive Fruit of Death

9. Lord of Skull Spiders don't take no orders from nobody

10. Complications from surgery

11. I predict seven

12. Around 1:00 in the morning after losing control of his life

13. Whenua didn't need to change- he was almost flawless to begin with (save for that one line)

14. That rotating Nuhvok-Kal shield doodad

15. It didn't

16. Korgot- she's cut like a steak

17. Makuta loves all his children equally

18. Death

19. Go ask someone in S&T

20. ME

21. One of those dumb Toa from that dumb serial

22. The 2010 Takanuva set

23. Any perceived link between G1 and G2

24. About ten times the length of the Piraka Rap, which they played throughout their conquest- hence why Dume was annoyed

25. Bionicle was cancelled and replaced with Hero Factory

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2. He is most definitely red.

3. They were the awesome masters of the universe, destined to save the orphans.

4. He says "THE LEEVUR" and they all run away.

5. Everyone.

6. When Greg shoved him into a miniseries.

7. This is a trick question in so many ways.

8. The Indigestion Berry, from which is made Ghiddy's Wonder Gut Punch! inc.

9. LoSS takes orders from Christian Faber.

10. I don't think any cereal can survive that much cheese.

11. Exactly 93, since i oversee the Tahu4.9 project.

12. At 3 in the morning. He woke up and was all like. "Yawn, what happe- OH MY DEAR BULA PLANTS." (he totally owned bulas)

13. He was first tiny, then he was big, then he was short, then he was tiny again... And now a girl took his place.

14. The immaculate monocle of death.

15. Via the cheese.

16. Izotor. He's totally RIPPED.

17. Flabbergaster!

18. Love. And Shrek.

19. One of the council of Mask Makers, guardians of the universe.


21. Last i checked it was Tuyet. Or, at least, her front half.

22. Protector of cowardice.

23. Veins.

24. About five minutes. And it was one Piraka, you're welcome.


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