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A Legitimate Question about Twitter...

Toa Smoke Monster


Here is something I've been thinking about recently, and that is if it is worth it to have a Twitter account. I don't know what I would really do with it, aside from following a couple things. I know I probably wouldn't post much on it, since I rarely post anything on my Facebook account. (Aside from sharing stuff.) But I have been wondering if I'm missing out because I don't have one, and should get one because of it.


So I bring this question to those who have Twitter accounts or who once used it. Is it worth it to have a Twitter account?


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I think Twitter is great if you like to hear what celebrities have to say right away.  For the most part, I've found I can rely on others to just sum up the best parts for me.

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Personally I rather like it. I mean it simple enough to follow and it provides me a good way keeping up on news about my interests (LEGO, Video Games, ect.) without overflowing my e-mail too much.


I also like using it just share random thoughts during my day or to mention something that I am doing during my free time such as playing a video game (KH I: FM, Splatoon, Undertale, ect.), building something out LEGO pieces (Wall-E LEGO set, ect), or watching a TV show (Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, ect.).


I am not a big fan of 140 characters limit, but I kind of gotten used to it since I been a member for like three years now. XD Oh, and there's some times giveaways there (I never won anything, but its worth mentioning.)


Ultimately it depends on what you want to get out of it. I would hardly say you missing out on anything though by not having one.


- JMJ 2015

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I joined it to promote my YouTube channel, my BZPower stuff, and connect with my favorite music artists. 


So far, the latter has been working out the best...:annoyed: 

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I made a twitter account for a project back in 7th grade. For the past 4 years, I have gotten spam emails from them asking to confirm my account. For this reason, I never have done anything with twitter since then and I never intend to do so. Do not make an account unless you intend to commit.

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I enjoy Twitter, although I use it more often to follow other people and occasionally reply to them than to post content of my own.


I think I mostly just got Twitter so I'd be able to sign into certain websites with it or participate in sweepstakes-type events, but I've gotten so much more out of it than that.

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I only use it to retweet promotions where you can win free stuff. Haven't gotten anything yet, but it doesn't require any real time investment to use it that way.

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