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All 4 Wisdom Teeth



Gone. Ripped out Monday in less than five hours. Went home, and turned out I'm allergic to the anesthesia, so I was puking sick the rest of the day. Didn't sleep hardly at all last night, and now I'm hooked up on pain killers and can't feel anything.



I guess I could say I'm in a better mood now than I was over the weekend.


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Misread that as "now I'm hooked on pain killers" at first. =P


Also: "Wisdom teeth, not even once. At least 4 times."


*Snaps fingers*

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at least you aren't vomiting from the painkillers themselves like i was

0/10 would not recommend going without painkillers.


 It's kind of funny, actually, we thought it was the painkillers making me sick at first, so the doctor gave me some nausea pills(which I promptly threw up as well).


Misread that as "now I'm hooked on pain killers" at first. =P


Also: "Wisdom teeth, not even once. At least 4 times."


*Snaps fingers*


 For right now, with this mouth? I'm hooked on pain killers!

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I endured getting my wisdom teeth yanked out without tasting one single painkiller. 




Frankly, in my case the taste of blood was worse than the pain. 

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Well, not everybody is as heartless as you. :P


The taste of blood isn't terrible. Most of it seems to be draining into my stomach...(thankfully, THAT hasn't made me sick.)

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Well, not everybody is as heartless as you. :P


The taste of blood isn't terrible. Most of it seems to be draining into my stomach...(thankfully, THAT hasn't made me sick.)



Last time I had blood go down any pipe, that was my trachea.

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I endured getting my wisdom teeth yanked out without tasting one single painkiller. 




Frankly, in my case the taste of blood was worse than the pain.

I spent a couple days alternating between painkiller induced sleep, and brief episodes of consciousness wherein I changed the cotton pads in my mouth and drank warm jello.


The taste of blood isn't terrible. Most of it seems to be draining into my stomach...(thankfully, THAT hasn't made me sick.)

Mmmm, bloooood....
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I endured getting my wisdom teeth yanked out without tasting one single painkiller. 




Frankly, in my case the taste of blood was worse than the pain.

I spent a couple days alternating between painkiller induced sleep, and brief episodes of consciousness wherein I changed the cotton pads in my mouth and drank warm jello.


I spent the whole time watching episodes of Star Trek, I think.



The taste of blood isn't terrible. Most of it seems to be draining into my stomach...(thankfully, THAT hasn't made me sick.)

Mmmm, bloooood....


Get this vampire out of here.

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