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Ignoring the Spoiler Alert

Pahrak Model ZX


Do you ever wonder what it would be like to experience so-called “late arrival spoilers” for the first time?


Like, how you might have felt if you had seen the Doctor’s first regeneration? Or the first time Goku went Super Saiyan, and when all the higher levels were discovered? Or how about finding out that Darth Vader was Luke’s father?


They’re all presented with such shock and drama, but I know there’s no point in putting them in spoiler tags now because people know these things even if they don’t follow Doctor Who or DBZ or Star Wars. I mean, they’re still great and we can still enjoy them, but sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on a part of the experience.


I can remember being surprised and excited pretty much whenever Bionicle made a new reveal, so I guess I want to recapture those feelings if I can. Unfortunately, I’ve become quite bad about getting spoilers for things beforehand, even aside from the ones that have filtered into pop culture. Still, when I am able to exert a little self-control, I do feel like I’m enjoying things more—I think that’s why I got so much enjoyment out of Kingdom Hearts 3D and Steins;Gate, since I only knew a few spoilers heading in and was surprised by a lot of what they did. Since those three series I mentioned at the start are still going on, I guess I have the potential to be surprised by new things they do, though there’s still that sense that I missed out. (Plus if how the forms revealed in the latest movies are anything to go by, Dragon Ball Super is going to spoil itself in magazines before getting to actually show its new stuff.)


Oh well, I guess it’s sort of inevitable. Not to mention a lot of the things I follow come out in Japan first and I have to battle the urge to find out what happened for a few months if I want to get the full experience (barring quick subs). This is just a lingering thought I felt like typing up while watching DBZ Kai. :P

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DB is the ultimate king of spoilers . I'm going to watch the first 20-something episodes of Super tonight and I already found out that they technically rebooted Battle of the Gods and crammed it into the series , so I better be surprised by something tonight .

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Spoilers, huh?


No spoilers for Fractured Light, that's for sure. Although, I do have to wonder why BZP's spoiler tag breaks for so many people...

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I think most people, if they've followed something long enough, have experienced this on some level. Like, I like to take Homestuck as my example. I was a fan for a long time before some characters and species and entire concepts were introduced into the comic. At the time, they were extremely big deals, but nowadays they're just simple, common knowledge. I imagine that even people who aren't fans of Homestuck may know what a cherub looks like (if not what they are or what their name is or even really where they come from), and anyone who starts getting interested in the comic is going to know the B2 kids exist. On the other hand, I became a fan a tad too late to experience the trolls firsthand, and the trolls are probably the most recognizable part of the comic from an outside perspective. I had no idea what their deal was when I started reading, but I still knew their deal existed. I do kinda wish I had experienced that firsthand.



And oh geez, Japanese magazines are the worst. For like. Toei stuff. I'm a fan of Kamen Rider, and every month there's magazine scans outlining the plots, new forms and developments for pretty much the entire series. New mysterious characters? Emotional character deaths? Important new form changes? Expect to know about them all well in advance, That is, if it's not something leaked in toy catalogs several months beforehand already. It's pretty much the perfect environment to almost never be surprised by anything.


I guess I could always just...not look at those hot new leaks. But man who has the patience when there's new information about stuff you like afoot. It's a struggle. 

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I had the ending of Transistor spoiled for me. I was looking in the steam community hub and there was an unmarked screenshot of one of the last events in the game.


Anyone who played that game probably knows the exact moment that was ruined.

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DB is the ultimate king of spoilers . I'm going to watch the first 20-something episodes of Super tonight and I already found out that they technically rebooted Battle of the Gods and crammed it into the series , so I better be surprised by something tonight .


I've been keeping up with Super and I will say that there are a few differences in the Battle of Gods arc, though, in true Dragon Ball form, it'll take a while to get to the biggest changes.




I guess I could always just...not look at those hot new leaks. But man who has the patience when there's new information about stuff you like afoot. It's a struggle. 


I feel your pain.  The more into something you are, the more difficult the battle against spoilers becomes.

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I had the end of Iron Man 3 spoiled for me. 


IMO that made the movie easier to see. At least I wasn't squirming in outraged shock midway through. 

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I had the end of Iron Man 3 spoiled for me. 


IMO that made the movie easier to see. At least I wasn't squirming in outraged shock midway through. 

That movie, though... *severe stomach cramping and a migraine*


You know who spoils their secrets at the very beginning? Marvel Comic books. Instantly you're told about new characters, given key info for the plot... It's almost too revealing.

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