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Just saw Zootopia today. Good movie. 6/6 Spirit Stars. Would recommend.


I thought it was a pretty good sequel to Disney's Robin Hood, even if it makes no references to the original characters. I guess that can be forgiven since the movie takes place 800 years in the future. (Okay, it's not really a sequel, but there are a lot of similarities: the mayor's a lion, the heroes are a fox and a rabbit? It totally fits!)


But yeah, there were so many Easter Eggs in that movie, it might be worth getting the DVD just for a chance to pause and catch them all.


Wait a minute...


A movie starring a rabbit full of Easter Eggs? You sly devils...



The story was pretty great as well, albeit a bit predictable. I think I'm okay with that, though, because it was still a good story. Media has taught us to predict the unpredictable, but a good story is still a good story. The movie also had a really good message about tolerance, prejudice, and the plight of the white cishet male in the modern postcolonial world... or maybe it was just rehashing season 1 of The Legend of Korra. Who can say? (Cameo by J.K. Simmons, though -- it totally fits!)


Also I saw the Australian version, so I was treated to David Koalabell instead of the glory that I'm sure was Peter Moosebridge. Really cool of them to make regional variants on that scene. The whole film was cool. $16 AUD well spent. I can't wait for Zootopia 2: The Rezoovenation.


It's a bit strange that they would have a modern society, but keep animal-themed names for things. Judy Hopps? Zootopia? That'd be like having a human called Judy Walker or a human place called Manhattan. Oh...



And all through out the movie, I had this weird feeling of deja vu. Futuristic city where the neighbourhoods are divided into different biomes... Now where have I seen that before?

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the plight of the white cishet male in the modern postcolonial world


I thought this movie was about a female gray-haired rabbit?


Ah, but this is the lesson she learns through her interactions with her fox buddy.

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What role does privilege play in Zootopia?


The Predators are an analogy for privilege.  They're stronger than the Prey, they often hold positions of power and prestige, and yet they only comprise ten percent of the population -- the top ten percent.  Now while Predators were formally the ruling class, there have been many strides to create equality with the Prey.  For example, the Mammal Inclusion Initiative (a.k.a. Affirmative Action) has helped Prey succeed where they otherwise might be out-competed by Predators.


Enter Nick Wild.  Although a Predator, member of the former ruling class, Nick is a victim of racism and prejudice, with Prey assuming he'll attack them just because he's a Predator.  As the plot of the movie unfolds, and Assistant Mayor Bellweather generates fear of the Predators, many more Predators are ostracized for having "Predator Privilege".


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^ One thing I thought was really weird is that this place has a thing called the Mammal Inclusion Initiative. They're all mammals. I don't remember seeing any non mammals. What the heck is the point of such an act? Am I reading too much into a CGI animated film with cute animal leads?

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^ One thing I thought was really weird is that this place has a thing called the Mammal Inclusion Initiative. They're all mammals. I don't remember seeing any non mammals. What the heck is the point of such an act? Am I reading too much into a CGI animated film with cute animal leads?

I think it's an initiative to promote diversity of mammals. I agree it was poorly named.


Obviously Zootopia 2 tackles the wars between the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

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