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Top Student Syndrome



When you sit on the top seat, no one will let you get off it.


No, I'm not the top student. I'm not there. I'm a step away from there.


Yet I'm treated like one, while the real one gets away from this scott-free.



The only reason why I excelled over others was probably because I tried my dang hardest, while many of the rest 'shake-leg' and let things take its natural course.


And, as all people who believe in all things good, hard-work paid off.



But the isolation after that was... no, not harsh... it was.... strange. It wasn't really isolation... was it bad attention?


Let me see if a few case studies would cure this.


Some of the classmates at school love to pick an academic fight with me. Now it's a challenge to see who can beat me in marks. No, I don't get offended by them getting higher marks than I in those tests, it's their attitude to smirk at me and let a cry of victory escape themselves that tests me.


Everyone now has imprinted the label 'Top Student' on my forehead and entire self. So everyone decides to treat me like one - they let me get on with their studying, and lie back to go web-surfing, chatter and chitter, while I try to pay attention. Inconsideration? Not aimed at me specifically, but that is a definite 'yes'. And when I try to get my neighbours' attention, they ignore me to continue playing.


Lastly, today I hung back at school to finish some nasty music theory homework. Everyone in the class was laughing and web-surfing - the norm - while I buckled down to some hard work.

A classmate, a rather notorious prankster and slack-relaxed student, sat next to me. He also buckled down to work.

He started a chat while I was doing homework. No, that did not get me ticked. I enjoyed the chat - the homework was really nasty.

Then some comments got through. He said he enjoyed studying with me, and he thought I was a very hard-working student.

If no one has noticed it already, thank you very much. I wondered if he was sucking up to me. I was worried that he was.

And after that, he ran home. The rest of his class had entirely given up on the homework and I was left alone to complete it.


I don't think my classmate meant his rather 'ambiguous' comments. If anything, he was giving a go at being the next Top Student.



I would never condemn my classmates, however. I know the attitude's not that great, I know I get annoyed by their antics, but it's those antics that make school life less stressed than it really was. A good laugh over lunch cured the morning theory-hangover. Checking each other's work and rumaging through notes together made school days more tolerable.


However, I believed that I could be as happy a student as I was before I was labelled 'Top Student'. I enjoy the extra attention, but I don't want it to get to my head.



That said, now school has been let off for e-learning - and burdened us with assignments to complete over the week.

Knowing my classmates, they can't wait to see my entries on the school website for the assignments. I already posted them up.




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I challenge you to a duel of sorts. A fair game of some sort.




Just keep doing what you do best and disregard what the peers do.


You will reach the top. :)



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Hmm...being in a different school environment, I can't relate to that.


I can certainly relate to irritation, isolation, etc. however.


I'll pray for you. :happy: Keep working hard as you're doing.


And keep checking yourself to make sure that you're doing it for your own educational benefit and not "to get" anyone else. :) I'm sure you'll be fine.

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Ha, I can relate. I've gotten some of those symptoms... People like to take advantage of those who actually "do" their homework (something I've already given up for a few clases)


Well, power to ya. Show them that studying gets you something! (Even if its not more time to play internets games...)



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Motago: I'd never dream of doing that! I despise none of my cohort, and that's fine by me. :) Thanks!


xccj: I don't play internet games, which is an even bigger bonus to me. ;) And yes, I know what you mean by 'doing their work'. It's a pain...


Omi: You bet I'll find my way to the top - fair and square, and as hard/smart working ways go.



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I know how you feel. This happened to me a lot in Middle School (although, I was at the top :} ), and kind of happens now.

What level school are you in? Hopefully, once you get to college/university, you will be surrounded by peers who are mature enough to not take academics and turn then into a competition and who will appreciate and encourage your hard work, and even join you in it.


EDIT: Fix'd >: D

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Currently, I'm one step under university, about college-level and running for a diploma.


I hope that happens. And I hope that even now, my peers would wake up to hard work and join me.


BTW, 'appreciate encourage' don't look right to me. :P



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I remember that, Day ... having to say our marks on whatever assignment out loud for the teacher to write them down, and having people laugh in derision if they got better than you did. I am not in that school anymore, thank goodness, and things are much better at my new high school. Hang in there! The Top Students will rule the world from their psychiatrists' couches. ;)


Take a moment to relax and recalculate your average. Then smile at it. Or frown at it, if it really is bad, and decide you'll do better (which I'm sure never happens with you). Take comfort in knowing that you have a strong work ethic and know what you're doing.


I would advise, though, to not turn into a workaholic. Not good for you. Relax! I'm doing theory now too (though not nearly at your level, I'm sure), and it is nasty, no matter how much one loves it.

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This coming from a workaholic herself - hee.


Indeed, being top has its perks, and yes I'm so grateful that I am not a lost sheep in class. :D


And music theory is the nasty. I'll take in your advice and we'll both work hard in what we strive for, eh?



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