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Pahrak Model ZX


It bothers me when people insist that I am smart.


I’m a college dropout working part-time in a grocery store deli. What part of that says smart to you?


I need a quick way to shut people up the next time this happens. Unfortunately, I can’t think of one. Because I’m not smart!


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Surely having a quick response to people telling you that you're smart will make you appear smart, so it wouldn't be too smart to have one, therefore you should have one.


So uh... now where was I going with this?

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Honestly that depends on your view of college. At times, college isn't needed at all for some careers, while with others it's completely necessary. You don't necessarily need a degree to become, for example, a sanitation engineer while you do need a degree to become a psychologist. 


Being called "smart" or anything else is really, really unhealthy in actuality. Some people may think that it's a good thing to call a child smart but it truly isn't.

There are people who are naturally clever. I, for example, am someone who is naturally clever. I can easily pass most courses I take with flying colors without needing to study much, my intuition is rather good and I'm more or less a "Jack of all trades" when it comes to my talents. 


There is a certain point where the advantage of being clever loses it's power, and that's when someone enters the adult world. This is where someone being considered "smart" is useless if they don't work hard. It's just like seeing those people who can get A's throughout school without studying at all and then suddenly throwing them in college and watching them get D's because they don't know how to study.


What your problem seems to stem from is your perception of yourself in regard to your achievements. This isn't a healthy point of view to have, you should not measure your own self worth based around achievements.


Think about all the people who say that you're smart. This means that you are at least, a naturally clever person in some area. Use this advantage you have and learn to work harder. You talked about how you're a college dropout, which I assume means that this is something that is important to you. Then go back to community college and work your tail off until you've reached the point where you're satisfied. In the end, you may never be satisfied but that's okay, that's life.


You may hate to read this but you are clearly smarter than most people. Often times an intelligent person knows they have much left to learn and do and clearly you exhibit these traits.


Good luck in life,



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When you see these people next, just be sure to flap your arms really fast and then exclaim "Oh come on! I know I can fly! One of these days..." then turn to face them and be like "Oh, I didn't see you there."


Failing that, just talk like Homestar Runner.

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@ SPIRIT and Lapis I will take your suggestions into consideration


@ Soran, re:" you are clearly smarter than most people", how is that clear?  What did I do to give you this impression?  What part of an entry essentially saying "I wish to be considered dumb because I am dumb" makes it clear that I am smart?  You're confusing me.

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@ Soran, re:" you are clearly smarter than most people", how is that clear?  What did I do to give you this impression?  What part of an entry essentially saying "I wish to be considered dumb because I am dumb" makes it clear that I am smart?  You're confusing me.

It's like this.

1. Hang around the Kanohi Force for over a week.

2. You will then consider yourself to be a genius.

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@ Soran, re:" you are clearly smarter than most people", how is that clear?  What did I do to give you this impression?  What part of an entry essentially saying "I wish to be considered dumb because I am dumb" makes it clear that I am smart?  You're confusing me.


What that means is that you're clearly not ignorant. Have you ever heard of the expression, "Ignorance is bliss?" This stems from the fact that ignorant people are normally too unaware of their own ignorance or their own lack of abilities, thus they find themselves to be perfect or above average. You do not.

What I'm saying is that you're aware that you have options that can lead you to improve yourself. This is the mindset of most forward thinking people.


A truly ignorant person does not know they are ignorant. You are aware of your own circumstances and thus are not as much of an idiot as you may think you are.


Also, if you're curious as to why I've transitioned a conversation pertaining to being "dumb" into being "ignorant", it's mainly because the two go hand in hand.



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I don't even know what the difference is between "dumb" and "ignorant." (Because I'm not smart.)


And I mean...I don't think realizing that I'm not smart automatically makes me more smart.  If I actually had capacity for smart I'd be trying/able to change that, wouldn't I?

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  If I actually had capacity for smart I'd be trying/able to change that, wouldn't I?


That isn't always an option for people, it all depends on the cards you're dealt with in life. For some people, they may be intelligent but they have a learning disability, others may have poor memory or some other disorder that prohibits them from learning at their highest capacity.


Since I don't personally know you I can't say what I think the reason is, nor will I try to guess. All I'm saying is that you need to keep your chin up about your situation. The worst thing a person can do is give up, especially on learning.



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And one of the cards I'm dealt is the Not Smart card.


I feel like this has gotten a little off topic.  My complaint is that several people seem to think that I am smart, but I do not feel that I have done anything at all to prompt such a belief, and that disconnect bothers me a lot.  All such statements really do is remind me how disappointed I am in myself, so I would like a way to make them stop.  Changing my own view of my intelligence is not an available option.

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