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General Rambling: Life Update Edition

Hey, folks. It been quite awhile since I wrote an entry here, hasn't it? XD


Sorry about that, although you really hadn't missed much lately… I just been doing my normal routine mostly, which is going to work and then watching some media (TV Shows & YouTube mostly) when I get home from work.


Still I guess it hasn’t all been that for past few months (Although it certain been that way majority of the time since I don’t have much of a life. XD). I mean there were a couple of things here and there that I broke routine, so I guess I’ll share the highlights or cliff notes on those things.


So first off, near the end of July, I helped out in BIONILUG Mosaic project (For those wondering, I did about half of the Pohatu Mata side for this mosaic, which is fitting since Pohatu Mata was my first Bionicle set). It was an interesting experience since I have never really done a collaborated building project like that before. Well, nothing like that in person… I mean I did do some mosaic panels for xccj in the past, but I just ship those out and of course, they were much smaller too.


So yeah, it was interesting. I was quite a noob though compared to other people there (I am a pretty slow builder.) and I imagine I was pretty awkward to be around since no one there knew me very well. On the positive side of things though, I didn’t vomit, so that’s something to be thankful for.


Moving on from that, I ended up checking out BrickFair VA for a Saturday Public Day in August (A friend drove me down since I am not ready to do the drive myself.), which was fun and it was pretty cool seeing the finished product of the BIONILUG project that I help with.


Oh, and I was actually going to write recap entry for that back in August with my pictures, but my laziness got the better of me. XD


But anyway, it feels like it is too late for a recap now, so I’ll keep this short (Although I can still share the pictures if you folks want though). Hm… I think my only regret from that day was I forgot to say hi to TTV group, while I was there. Otherwise, it was pretty good day. I didn’t even vomit (Although that’s probably more of because I unintentionally fast the day before.)!


As for possibility of going next year (Whether for a day or more), it looking pretty unlikely at this point, especially since highway driving stresses me out (After last weekend, I honest don’t want to drive on the highway ever again. New Jersey is scary…). I guess we’ll see, but I wouldn’t count on it.


Alright, I think I am going to summarize the rest in list format since I don’t want to keep you folks too long. So here’s the list:


- Work has (thankfully) picked up last month that I have been able to get some overtime weekly again. Here’s hoping it is a good sign for 2017 since this year (until now) was incredible slow.


- Pokemon Red Progress > I got all eight Kanto Badges and I hadn’t challenged the Elite Four though since I waiting till I have 149 Pokemon in my Pokedex. Currently I have 118 Pokemon (Note I need to train 5 more Pokemon to evolve too.) and I’ll be trying to get 26 Pokemon exclusive to Blue Version by the end of the month hopefully (I already have my old Gen 1 3DS set up with a copy to play.).


Man, I can’t believe I am this close to a 100% Pokedex (Excluding Mew because there is no legit way to get it.). It definitely wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. As for my other self-imposed challenges, all Pokemon have been nicknamed and caught in Pokeball (No Great Ball, Ultra Ball, or Master Ball used), so I am doing well with those challenges so far.


- I went to Zelda Symphony at Mann Center again. Not much to say beside that it was fun evening like always and I would definitely check it out again.


That’s about it really. I guess I’ll share what I been watching lately since maybe you folks might be interested in that, so here’s the list:


Currently watching:

- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (On Netflix; First time watching; currently on Season 2)

- Star Wars: Rebels, Season 3 (Live; First time watching)

- Supernatural, Season 12 (Live; First time watching)

- Steven Universe, Season 4 (Post-Live on Amazon Video; First time watching)


Previous watched:

- Luke Cage, Season 1 (On Netflix; First time watching; I rank it as my second favorite Marvel Netflix series after Jessica Jones)

- Agents of SHIELD, Season 3 (On Netflix; First time watching)

- Supernatural, Seasons 1-11 (On Netflix; Re-watch to catch up for Season 12)

- Star Wars: Rebels, Seasons 1-2 (On Amazon Video; Re-watch to catch up for Season 3)

- Better Call Saul, Seasons 1-2 (Season 1 on Netflix, Season 2 on Amazon Video; First time watching)

- Breaking Bad, Seasons 1-5 (On Netflix; First time watching)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender, Books 1-3 (DVDs; Yearly Re-watch)


To watch list:

- Bionicle – Netflix Series (On Netflix; First time watching)

- Korra, Books 1-4 (DVDs; Yearly Re-watch)


Okay, I think that about sums it up on that topic. XD If you have any media (TV Shows, Movies, etc) that you think I should check out, please do let me know.




With that said, I think that’s enough from me for today. I hope you all have a great day and thanks for taking the time to read this.


- JMJ 2016


P.S. – If anyone needs the Pokemon Volcanion, let me know since I have a few (6) extra code cards up for grabs.


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Wait, is Steven Universe on Amazon Prime video? Or are you paying for it?


If you have one or two Volcanion codes to send my way I'd take them. I got one for my X game but if I can load up my Y and Omega Ruby ones too that'd be great.

Jedi Master J.


@Obessionist: I don't have Prime. I just have the season pass.

I imagine there are other (legal) ways of watching it after episodes air (Such on Cartoon Network website). But I am a bulk watcher (as in I like to watch multiple episodes at once, especially for a show designed for 30 minute time slot), so I wouldn’t be watching as soon as air to begin with.

That and Steven Universe does go on break a lot, so personally I think it is just easier to get season pass and watch it at a later point rather than repeatedly have to remind myself that it airs during a certain week.

As for Volcanion codes, I’ll send you some codes by PM when I get home from work (Around 5:30 PM EST).


Thanks for leaving a comment. I hope you have a great day!

- JMJ 2016



Firefly and Chuck are two shows super close to my heart. If you haven't watched them yet, do.

Jedi Master J.


@TMD: Firefly, I have seen already, so I won't put that one on my list since it hasn't been that long since I watched it for first time (I enjoyed it and I think it is shame that it never got more than one season. That being said, I wasn't a huge fan of follow-up movie.).


Chuck, I have never seen before, so I'll put it on my to watch list (Here's hoping it is on Netflix. XD).


Thanks for the suggestions.


- JMJ 2016



Chuck is wonderful. I love it because Chuck, the protagonist, feels real and is the sorta character that I can look at and say "Hey! This is me!" It's also nerdy as allgetout.

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