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Ask Me Anything - Birthday Edition!

Blessed Blade


Alternative Title: I Can Not Guarantee Sensical Answers.


Now, um, you can begin when ready! I'll be here... waiting... ^^;

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*Points conveniently placed lamp in your face* Where were you on the 12th of june 2007 around 5 pm?!


But seriously, pokemon you are most looking forward to in sun and moon, aside from starters?

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am i your favorite?

Depends on what favourite! Plus there's so many types of favourites, and even in that sometimes it's hard to chooooooose... Dx It's like trying to pick an ultimate favourite ice cream flavour!



How was your birthday?

Could've been better, but it was still pretty good! ^^



Hype levels for Sun/Moon right now?

The scouter broke trying to read them, it's off the charts~ It's looking so good. ^^ I actually pre-bought the game on the eShop so that there's even less waiting next week~ I so cannot wait! ^^


/EDIT: Vox Ninja'd my response... Dx




*Points conveniently placed lamp in your face* Where were you on the 12th of june 2007 around 5 pm?!


But seriously, pokemon you are most looking forward to in sun and moon, aside from starters?


I'm going to stick to only the officially revealed Pokemon, and put them in tags, so if anyone out there is waiting for the games to see the new things(or try to wait), then they won't be spoiled. ^^


Pokemon Spoilers, official stuff only
I'm -really- looking forward to Mimikyu and Vikavolt and Rockruff, just to name a few. Really, the entire set looks absolutely amazing - even the ones TPCi hasn't revealed yet~ I'm looking forward to Pikipek's line too, especially by how strong it was in the demo~
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Note, don't quote posts that have spoiler tags, because apparently they don't work. And I also already pre-ordered/pre-downloaded pokemon moon. It's nice they actually offered the pre-download option for this one, don't believe they did it for X/Y or ORAS



The one I'm looking forward to the most is Wimipod, for reasons.


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Yeah, that's a shame that it wasn't available then, but they only added in the option after ORAS released. =/ I would've really liked that, and it might've pushed me to get digital AS as my main back then if so. xD


Pokemon Spoilers
Oooh, yeah, I can get that! I definitely see where you're going with that, and I can agree wholeheartedly there. ^^


Also, thank you for pointing out about the tags, I didn't know that either, and that saved me from doing that to your post. xD

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Oh I didn't know the option wasn't present from the start. I've only bought two games from the eshop, FE: Awakening well after it was released, and then Fe: Fates and that was my first pre-order, though that makes sense now why I couldn't find information on prior pokemon digital pre-orders. 

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Oh I didn't know the option wasn't present from the start. I've only bought two games from the eshop, FE: Awakening well after it was released, and then Fe: Fates and that was my first pre-order, though that makes sense now why I couldn't find information on prior pokemon digital pre-orders. 

Yep; I think the only other one might have been Super Mystery Dungeon, but I wasn't really following the pre-release of that... ^^;



If dark matter were discovered to be similar to cheese, what effects would you foresee this having on the dairy constant of the multiverse?

I'd say that this might make the moon a little more important!

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What is your favorite kind of cake?

Chocolate is one kind, though there's also marble, or ice cream cakes, or the kind with the holes in the middle... aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it's just like the ice cream flavours!!



Why the cheese?

Because I can be cheesy sometimes! But at least I don't milk it for all it's worth. Then I'd be dairy cheesy!

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What is the proper course of action in the event the Earth split in half, with one of those halves suddenly being composed of paper and heading towards a black hole, and the other half remaining as is, complete with it acting as if the other half hasn't just... done what it's done?

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I believe the proper course of action there is just make like the remaining half, and pretending that everything is fine.


This is fine. /flames all around.

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For the record, cereal -> milk is proper protocol EXCEPT for when you don't have enough milk. Then you go milk -> cereal so there's not too much cereal.


Also on the subject of problems with correct answers:

Is the glass half full, or half empty? Think carefully, and know that this is a problem of semantics!


- :burnmad:

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