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quick notes from the bright side

Taka Nuvia


Because I should report on positive things too, I guess. (don't expect anything huge, though. ^^')


The anxiety attacks seem to be containd again for the moment, that's a real relief. :) Stress levels are slowly dropping again too, as indicated by my dreams returning to their more vibrant state (for some reason, those two things are connected. don't ask me why.)


Also, I am beginning to feel more comfortable within my own skin again, so those diet changes* surely did a thing, finally. (I had gained so much weight during university, was not good. I mean, it should not have come as a surprise, seeing as I have always struggled with my weight. *eyeroll* Now it's improving, at last.)

*not the ones from November 2015 that no-one but me will remember. The new improved plan works better, although the former at least stopped the continuous increase. ^^


Otherwise... currently at Season 3 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and thoroughly enjoying it so far. Started watching Warehouse 13 as well.


I guess things are finally getting a bit better again. :>

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Yeah, Anxiety really sucks. Unfortunately for me, I find it's about the only motivator I have that will get me to stop procrastinating about something above all else... Glad to hear your handling things pretty well, Taka.  :)

I've never watched buffy, but my mom watched all the seasons a little while back and she seemed to like the entire thing, so hopefully that means the rest of the episodes will be good for you too :P

--Akaku: Master of Flight

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I'm glad things are going better! Anxiety really sucks.

Thanks, and yeah, it really does :<


Good to hear that things are improving for you ^^

thanks! me too ^^'


Anxiety sucks hardcore, so it's good to hear things are better!

true. thank you!


Yeah, Anxiety really sucks. Unfortunately for me, I find it's about the only motivator I have that will get me to stop procrastinating about something above all else... Glad to hear your handling things pretty well, Taka.  :)


I've never watched buffy, but my mom watched all the seasons a little while back and she seemed to like the entire thing, so hopefully that means the rest of the episodes will be good for you too :P


--Akaku: Master of Flight

Sadly in my case it sometimes surpasses "motivating" and becomes utterly paralyzing instead... but yeah, currently things are going a bit better again. And thank you.


I hope so too xD




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