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What is Unity?

Toa Imrukii


Serious question, what is Unity? Do we really pick and choose our friends? Or just work with them due to their merit? Do friends let other friends get hurt? No. What is Love? As my sig quote says "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." With that being said, should we be hateful of those who have made mistakes in their past? Should we judge anyone by rumors? No, and no.



A lot has been on my plate emotionally these past months, and have actually had to leave my house and be away from the internet for a week. All simply due to this question. I know the answer, but I fear others do not.



Now, with that being put forward, who are your friends? Who are your best of friends? And why are they such?


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Do you mean in real life, or in Bionicle?


In real life, Unity is a 3D game engine first released in 2005.


In Bionicle, Unity is the 3D game engine used for the 2009 online game Glatorian Arena.

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With that being said, should we be hateful of those who have made mistakes in their past? Should we judge anyone by rumors?


nah, but we should absolutely reject toxic, hurtful people who continually antagonise others and display their prejudices publicly and never make any effort to change or make amends

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With that being said, should we be hateful of those who have made mistakes in their past? Should we judge anyone by rumors?


nah, but we should absolutely reject toxic, hurtful people who continually antagonise others and display their prejudices publicly and never make any effort to change or make amends







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I was referring to both Unity in BIONICLE, and in IRL.



With that being said, should we be hateful of those who have made mistakes in their past? Should we judge anyone by rumors?

 nah, but we should absolutely reject toxic, hurtful people who continually antagonise others and display their prejudices publicly and never make any effort to change or make amends

Yes, of course. However, one must know the difference between a disagreeing person, and a true raging madman. One may have differing views, but that doesn't mean that they in and of themselves are the epitome of all that is wrong. If one say is brought up in a spacific pethaps theological household, and is tought that spacific things are somehow wrong and are in and of themselves too stubborn to change that view and harass others over it, that is a problem.


However, if someone grew up under such conditions and strives to not only be respectful to, and also strive to help those who they may have been tought are wrong, than that person must be recognized by their good, not by their upbringing, just as an example. In any case, I think we all know the saying; "Question Everything." And indeed one must.

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I was referring to both Unity in BIONICLE, and in IRL.



With that being said, should we be hateful of those who have made mistakes in their past? Should we judge anyone by rumors?

 nah, but we should absolutely reject toxic, hurtful people who continually antagonise others and display their prejudices publicly and never make any effort to change or make amends


Yes, of course. However, one must know the difference between a disagreeing person, and a true raging madman. One may have differing views, but that doesn't mean that they in and of themselves are the epitome of all that is wrong. If one say is brought up in a spacific pethaps theological household, and is tought that spacific things are somehow wrong and are in and of themselves too stubborn to change that view and harass others over it, that is a problem.


However, if someone grew up under such conditions and strives to not only be respectful to, and also strive to help those who they may have been tought are wrong, than that person must be recognized by their good, not by their upbringing, just as an example. In any case, I think we all know the saying; "Question Everything." And indeed one must.


I agree, to an extent. it just happens that the specific person I had (and I feel you have as well) in mind represents the problematic former example, not the latter.

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I was referring to both Unity in BIONICLE, and in IRL. 
With that being said, should we be hateful of those who have made mistakes in their past? Should we judge anyone by rumors?
 nah, but we should absolutely reject toxic, hurtful people who continually antagonise others and display their prejudices publicly and never make any effort to change or make amends
Yes, of course. However, one must know the difference between a disagreeing person, and a true raging madman. One may have differing views, but that doesn't mean that they in and of themselves are the epitome of all that is wrong. If one say is brought up in a spacific pethaps theological household, and is tought that spacific things are somehow wrong and are in and of themselves too stubborn to change that view and harass others over it, that is a problem.However, if someone grew up under such conditions and strives to not only be respectful to, and also strive to help those who they may have been tought are wrong, than that person must be recognized by their good, not by their upbringing, just as an example. In any case, I think we all know the saying; "Question Everything." And indeed one must.
I agree, to an extent. it just happens that the specific person I had (and I feel you have as well) in mind represents the problematic former example, not the latter.


Well, if the person in question is the one I think we are referring too, I have to say that I have very personally come to know them, and I can say from the vary many conversations I've had with them over the five or so odd years that I have known them that they are the latter, not the former.


If we are referring to a recent bannished member that is, I have to say that they had their problems, yes. They were erratic and quick to lash out at times, but at heart they were genuinely a good person. I know that may be difficult if not downright impossible to believe, but I myself at a certain point in my life was like them in that way, but I strived to better myself, I don't overreact as much as I used to, and I have grown incredibly tolerant of almost everything, mostly because of the incredible pain I have suffered in my days. Told I wasn't good enough, that I am a waste of human space, that sort of stuff by the principal of the high school I used to go to.


But enough about that, I do have to say though that if it is the person in question who was bannished, I do have to say that they have had many medical and personal problems happen to them for nearly half their life. Under such conditions, that for sake of their privacy I do not want to go into details, but one can become erratic and downright hostile from such expierences. Again, I personally know what that is like too, at least in terms of mental and emotional health. At one point in my life, a terribly inhumane time, I was physically beaten and humuliated at a so-called "school" I went to. This was actually literally at the same point in time when the person in reference I think we are talking of started to have such horrible and unfortunate medical issues and accidents plague them.


Anyway, after that horrible "school" experience, I went under emotional rehabilitation for four months, and I developed a nihilistic view on the world, one that I have abandoned, but still influences me. I was erratic, and full of myself, but that was because I was full of pain, and evil infultrated my heart and soul. But I eventually came to fight it and slay it away, I now know to look into my shadow, not ignore and hide from it. Metaphorically speaking.



With all that being said, what I am trying to say is one has to be aware of both sides of every story. Conflict only arises because of a misunderstanding or lack of knowledge of the opposite side, and vice versa. We all have a story, and mine I hope to one day share, but in the end we must know and teach good in order to make this world a better place I feel. And that goes back to the topic of Unity.


In BIONICLE, unity was the force that kept teams together, we all know the conflict between Tahu and Kopaka, but in time even those two greatest of rivals came to recognize and respect eachother for their merit. And so too with unity between friends that must be done. We all at some point in our lives may come to conflict with those we see as friends, even great friends, and though maybe they may not be the best of friends as we see them, they may always be something to bring two friends separated by conflict back together, at least for a time.


I had a friend like that at one point in my life, us both being artists and we respected eachother's work and method, but in time he developed a great ego that even I could not reason with, and in a fit of anger I called him a bigot who was full of himself, and that was it. That was the end of our friendship. I had known this person for three years of my life, so his gradual but inevitable betrayal hurt me dearly. I forget exactly what his problem was, I think his fromtal lobe was underdeveloped and he really didn't have much if a real personality, he even said such. He also is quoted in saying "I am not going to be the nice guy anymore." In short he was insane, but I feel he was a far greater evil than that of really anyone on the Forums as of current.

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he was nice to you. you were friends. I get that. but he wasn't nice to a lot of people. he was homophobic, transphobic, and self-righteous and he insulted and hurt a lot of people on the basis of that. he never apologized, never showed regret, and continued to do it until not long before his (rightful) banishment. his health issues are completely irrelevant; that sort of thing does not excuse you from hurting others.


but it's obvious nothing will get through to you. it also strikes me as incredibly hypocritical that you talk about being bullied while defending a bully, and preach about understanding while disregarding what multiple people who have been systematically marginalized, dehumanized, and bullied their entire lives have to say about him. like you said, there's more than one side to every story, so why are you only focusing on your own?

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he was nice to you. you were friends. I get that. but he wasn't nice to a lot of people. he was homophobic, transphobic, and self-righteous and he insulted and hurt a lot of people on the basis of that. he never apologized, never showed regret, and continued to do it until not long before his (rightful) banishment. his health issues are completely irrelevant; that sort of thing does not excuse you from hurting others. but it's obvious nothing will get through to you. it also strikes me as incredibly hypocritical that you talk about being bullied while defending a bully, and preach about understanding while disregarding what multiple people who have been systematically marginalized, dehumanized, and bullied their entire lives have to say about him. like you said, there's more than one side to every story, so why are you only focusing on your own?


I hate to sound like a hypocrite. But case and point, I just don't know the other side. And to be perfectly honest with you I would feel like a horrible Person for betraying the trust of a friend, even if said friend is or was a bully. But, I am all ears, I however simply have not seen his remarks, or if I have and I somehow just didn't see them as being so bad. But I don't know. I am just trying to go about my life here, and certain things happen and I don't know why, and they really do truly hurt me, and I am left confused, because I am trying to be everyone's friend. I admit I don't go to every section of the forums, at least not often, so I do not see such, or I did not. So I am sorry for that. Again, perspective, I see him very personally as a respectful fellow, but I guess I am painting with narrow strokes here. If I could see what he did wrong than I would explain to him what was wrong, and I could only hope he would change himself for the better.


But you know the saying "treat others as you want to be treated"? That is what one must do to one who is a bully. Violence, hatred, and rumors solve nothing, absolute love does. When they have shown incredible disrespect, but you have shown them respect, than in time it is hoped that they take it upon themselves to change, seeing that they have done wrong. That is the hope at least. And believe me, I will strive to do that.


I am sorry for coming off as a hypocrite, and I am sorry if I have ever accused, well, anyone of wrong when I have only seen it by a narrow view. We may not know everything, but we all know and may learn something. And what I have learned here is to follow what you teach.


In the future I will try and stick up and ask on both sides, and hope to be the one to resolve conflict. I simply hope others may do the same. Wherever, mind you.



I do not deny if one did wrong for really any sake, and I am not trying to sound like I do, I am just trying to balance a virtue with reality here, as well I do not want to hurt others or myself. So when do we say enough is enough? What is simply too much to be acceptable and respectable? If he is Kopaka, than I guess everyone else is Tahu in this regard. But Kopaka was a lonewolf, he believed he should be the one to reach the top by his own merit and ability, but Tahu saw him as putting in little effort and had so much pride of himself, that it was sickening.


Tahu had pride too though, so theres some hypocracy right there, but Tahu was the leader, and as such his main prerogative was keeping things together, and he saw Kopaka's efforts as being very little. However, in time they came to respect one another, that Kopaka did put in more effort than Tahu had recognized, and that Kopaka saw that Tahu did have a point in what he was saying.



But comparing and contrasting this is much more complex than that I suppose. Though it is all still about perspective, the extremes here seem to be greater. On one side we have a myriad of people who say he has said and done so much bad, than there is the side where he has made friends and they do not see him as such. Though there have been things said of him that simply aren't true, it is clear to me this much, that this isn't about a broad overall love, what I see here is past fearful folk coming out to celebrate that they no longer feel oppressed.


And I mean no offence, not at all, but it seems to me that this is not in the name of total and absolute love, but of love of others like us, and in the name of fear, fear of him and fear of being oppressed, and that fear turned to hatred of him. "Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, and Hate leads to Suffering.", that is of course if you do not let the hatred consume you. If you let it do such than yes, it does lead to suffering, suffering of and for others and yourself. But, I do not believe anyone here is truly at that point. But the former has historically happened many times.


Where a people who were or felt oppressed suddenly and in their eyes justly have that which has oppressed them crushed or taken out of power, it is exhilarating to say the least. To finally not only feel, but be free, it is a great feeling. And really, who can blame them? Not me, and I do not blame anyone for feeling such, I just don't want to see people hurting others or themselves because they let hatred consume them. It had happeend to me at one point in my life, and I do not want it happening here.


And with that. I leave you with a quote, "There is no Unity, without You."



But like I said, this is all about perspective, and from my perspective all I see is hatred, and it hurts me, it aches in my very soul and I cannot even face up to be on the site at such times due to the fear of being blamed for something I didn't do. I just don't want to be hurt, since I have hurt enough. My heart has been broken, twice. I have been betrayed by friends too many times in my life (not just in the example I gave a little while ago, but at other times too), I have severe depression that becomes crippling, I nearly slit my wrists one dark afternoon out of that sadness and pain, feeling like I really am less than dirt, and whenever anything bad happens to me or a friend of mine all those emotions that I have listed and more just come flooding back to me, and I break down and simply cannot face up to any of it.



But now I am not at that point, so I simply ask what is unity? Philosophically. And again, the quote. "There is no Unity, without You."

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Okay, fine.


I came out as trans to BZP in December 2014. Among the two pages of extremely supportive and encouraging comments, there was one that deviated so severely that I couldn't even process it. Of course the original is edited out, and no way in ###### was I going to save those words, but it's still buried in a report somewhere. Paraphrased, what he thought was a nice mod was actually a psychopath, that I had no grip on reality, etc. Out of a supposed fairness, I let someone else take care of it, though honestly, it just meant I couldn't stand up for myself. That comment is one of the most hurtful things ever said to me, to the point where the words briefly flashed in my mind during a suicide attempt last May because someone who was supposed to love me unconditionally couldn't accept me either. It continued and his punishments got more severe, though of course he deleted all the public stuff, culminating here in 2016 when I wasn't staff anymore. I wasn't the only target, but as upper staff I was the most prominent, and likely the one he hurt the most. In any case, at least three strikes of breaking the intolerance, respect for members, and respect for staff rules is out.


So, during the past two years, I slowly learned to stand up for myself. I don't know what this unity thing you're going on about is, but if learning to love and defend myself against such speech is some ostensible hatred thrown at others, whatever. Letting someone else's pain dictate my being for so long nearly killed me, and though the BZP example is somehow the less extreme of the two and never would have reached that particular point, things here affected more people than just me. I've all but moved on from this site and really don't have any investment anymore, but dang if stuff like that doesn't stick to you.


There's the other side, then. No amount of platitudes or abstraction can justify unerring and shamelessly hateful attacks. You're putting hatred on the wrong side. Asserting oneself is far from that. And no, I'm not about to reconcile my own doing so with bigotry again.

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I am so dearly sorry, to everyone, it is clear that in my attempts to try and be the nice guy that I have put myself in a certainly awkward spot. I think I am just confused is all. And indeed I think myself that I have just been through too much, and I don't know how to deal with certain things. So I am deeply forever sorry for screwing up. And you know what? As hard as this was to read through, it has opened up my mind and made me realize that I have made a mistake. Of course I'll support my friends, but it is inexcusable to defend one's bad actions.



Wind, I am so sorry any of that had to happen to you. Sincerely I am, and we haven't talked in a long time, but I am not mad at you, or upset in anyway, and of course I still love and support you. Even if you don't want to even know me. I am sorry for my past transgressions, and I am sorry for reacting harshly at a time. But believe me when I say this, I would never call you such words as he did. Psychotic? Psychosis...? I don't for a second believe that you are in any way such. You suffer from anxiety and I presume also depression, as I do too. But I also suffer from PTSD, I have memories flash back into my mind of times when I have been lied to, and I am sorry, for everythinh. But I am forgiving. Wind, you're not psychotic, you have a heart of gold, and you are just troubled by such horrible emotions, as I have been. And maybe more, but I just don't want to see you or anyone hurt.




However, I see now that he did wrong, and I am sorry for defending him. But I want to move on from the topic of him, and talkabout eachother, you or I or whoever. Lets not focus on the past, the past is the past, we can't change it.




But furthermore I am sorry for being so unfeeling. Really I am. Like, I said, I've just been through so much in my life, that it is incredibly hard for me to stand up or stick out. I feel I have become reserved, and incredibly confused. But now I see a clearer picture, one that I had no clue of at all until recent. I understand so much more now than I did before.

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No human is perfect, nor entirely better than another. I certainly am not. We are all souls of various grey-shade stains. For one to say that one is inherently better than another is delusional claiming of perfection, which itself is inhuman. If you think you are, you better try and prove it.

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I'm not sure what the middle two paragraphs have to do with anything; you wanted the other side of what happened and I gave it. But you're kind of missing the point; my mental health has nothing to do with my identity and being. Far from being told I could only 'think' I'm trans if I had no grip on reality; i.e., I shouldn't exist.




Not sure what that has to do with all this.

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