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1) Briefly describe your past work experience.


2) What is your greatest strength?


3) What is one of your weaknesses?


4) Where do you see yourself in five years?


5) Describe a situation where you overcame adversity.


6) Describe a time when you achieved a long-term goal.

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1) Briefly describe your past work experience.


2) What is your greatest strength?


3) What is one of your weaknesses?


4) Where do you see yourself in five years?


5) Describe a situation where you overcame adversity.


6) Describe a time when you achieved a long-term goal.

1. I've worked at an amusement park for the past six consecutive years, with me also working there the three summers before that. I also worked five months at a Luby's.


2. Probably my work ethic. 


3. Being social with others. 


4. Probably working at the same amusement park.


5. A Memorial Weekend almost five years ago. I was awake for almost 48 hours because I closed one day but had to open the next, and there was only two hours between shifts. It was brutal.


6. Becoming a Manager at my job. 

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Are you mentally and physically surviving through life?


When is a time you stupidly injured yourself?

1. I hope I am. :P


2. It was last October. I ran across a street at a work and accidentally trip on a concrete car stop that I didn't see. I slammed face first into the ground, which was also concrete, and ended up scrapping my face and knees really bad. I felt that for at least two weeks. 



Lost finale. Yea or nay?

Yea. I really liked it. Yes, it doesn't answer all the questions of the show. But I still felt it was a good conclusion for the characters.



What is/are your favorite song(s) at the moment?

I've been listening to Evanescence a lot lately. I've also been listening to the Descendants 2 soundtrack as well. It's song are really catchy. :)



Sword, shield, or staff?


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Lost finale. Yea or nay?

Yea. I really liked it. Yes, it doesn't answer all the questions of the show. But I still felt it was a good conclusion for the characters.

My man.

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