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Kaleidoscope Tekulo


I've been watching the new Ducktales.  It has some pretty good moments in it and I find it very charming.


Also Steven Universe Future has aired four episodes and they are very good.  They deal with aspects of the show I've been dying to see for a long time.


Other than that, work has been stressful.  I feel like I'm screwing up a lot, but that comes with being new to a job.  I'm increasingly unsure if baking is something I want to be doing for the rest of my life.  I'm also still unsure of what I'd be doing instead.


On the romance front, I'm still single, but that's ok.  I think after a few life events I've kinda cooled off from being a jopeless romantic and recognize there's a lot more to relationships than just pining after someone.  I've read a few books on the subject that I think helped give me more perspective on things.  



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I know that feeling of not being sure whether you want to do something for the "rest of your life"... it always helps me to remember that if nothing really bad happens, the rest of my life is still incredibly long compared to my life so far, so there's plenty of time for reorganisation and stuff :)

In other words, you can absolutely do it. *thumbs up*

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Never do anything for the rest of your life. That's a life sentence. You don't want one of those. :P

I recommend a process of slow evolution. What do you like about baking? What do you not like? Then think about what you like about what would give you more of those likeable aspects, and less of the unlikeable ones. Then go do that for a bit. Then do it again with the next thing.  

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