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One Of Those Entries

Tufi Piyufi


In order to break this horrific block of inactivity, I know I have to post some manner of entry. Thing is, I have no clue what to write about. This does not help things.


Therefore, I'm gonna have to do one of those sorts of entries.


You heard me. What you do is ask me questions, and what I do is answer them. Or not answer them, if it's something I'd really rather not discuss. Or smite inappropriate stuff.


So? Go for it.


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To be... Or not to be?


That is the question.

Suffer the slings and arrows. It's nobler, and besides, you don't know what's kicking around in that 'undiscovered country'.

But Tufi, to sleep is perchance to dream!



And since you demand it, I will ask something that has been haunting my mind. Which, ultimately, is better? Hard Rock or Progressive Rock? Both are so incredible.

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Are all canadians nice like everyone thinks? I have a canadian friend, and she is one of the nicest s you will ever meet. :) Man, she's going to boarding school for 4 years...

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Lemme try my hand at this....

~ Who do you think would win in a fight? Mario, or Sonic the Hedgehog?

~ Why do you like puffins so much?

~ What is your favorite movie quote?


Mario, because I like to see fangirls cry.


It goes back to when I was very little. I don't think I could explain it.


Not sure I can say that one...


Why is it "Time to break out the chains"?


What are "the Chains"?


Coke or Pepsi?


Do you like soul music?


What about funk?


Don't you think its unfair that the Trix Rabbit never gets any Trix?


Where is The Fountain of Youth?


Why can't more people like Brussel Sprouts?


Do -you- Like Brussel Sprouts?

Because circumstance calls for it.


Exactly what they sound like.




I don't seek it out, but it's pretty nifty.


No real opinion.


You kidding? The guy has an addiction. That ad campaign is a tragic illustration of addiction and what it does to people. We should be using it as a springboard for discussion and understanding, not amusement. People are sick creatures.


Down the hall.


Poor advertising campaigns.


Not really, no.


To be... Or not to be?


That is the question.

Suffer the slings and arrows. It's nobler, and besides, you don't know what's kicking around in that 'undiscovered country'.

But Tufi, to sleep is perchance to dream!



And since you demand it, I will ask something that has been haunting my mind. Which, ultimately, is better? Hard Rock or Progressive Rock? Both are so incredible.

That's the rub, though. Who knows what dreams may come?


If I answer this, I'll have to define what each is, and that terrifies me enough to leave that question well enough alone.


Are you a big Elvis Costello fan? I remember you mentioning him a few times. Also, what other kinds of music do you listen to?

I'm something of a fan, yes. Also, whatever sounds good to me. I don't have any real preferences.


Are all canadians nice like everyone thinks? I have a canadian friend, and she is one of the nicest s you will ever meet. :) Man, she's going to boarding school for 4 years...

Not in the least. We've got tons of 'less-than-nice' folks up here. It's just an act we do to mess with you all.

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Are you quite certain you are yourself?

Ever feel like hosting Staff Survivor again? (Yeah, we know it's like that all the time, but come on. Another round, please?)

Pirates or Ninjas?

Favourite form of torture towards your fellow 'staffies'?

Favourite LEGO Element?

What's your operating system?

If you could be one person other than myself... Or yourself... Or Kex... Whom would you be?


Oh, and do I get a prize?

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Don't you think its unfair that the Trix Rabbit never gets any Trix?


You kidding? The guy has an addiction. That ad campaign is a tragic illustration of addiction and what it does to people. We should be using it as a springboard for discussion and understanding, not amusement. People are sick creatures.

Huh, I never thought of it that way...

Anywho, on to a second round!


1. Is it okay for me to ask a second round of questions?


2. Got siblings?


3. Do you like Queen?


4. If so, why do you think Bohemian Rhapsody is such a great song?


5. What is your opinion of 3 year olds?


6. Why are people with red hair called "Carrot-tops"? I mean c'mon, the tops of carrots are green!


7. How does the word "flibbertigibbet" make you feel?


8. Why are dreams so often strange?


9. Do you have a favorite subject?


10. If so, what is it?






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If I can get my hands on a Ds Wi Fi thingy, will you buy it for thirty U.S. dollars?

If you could be any animal besides a puffin, what would you be?

Do you like hamsters?

Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes?

If puffins were space aliens attacking Earth, would you fight with them?

If puffins WEREN'T space aliens, but were still attacking Earth, would you fight with them?

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i got a couple


1. if i said puffins stink how badly would you own me?


2. how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


3.who do you think is cooler omi, black six, kex, lhikan (the caractor), me :P , or some giant mutant puffin that likes playing chess?




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