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Ask Me Stuff



Yes, so the idea of this entry has been shamelessly copied. But my blog is boring me, and I figured this might spice it up a little bit.


You may henceforth post questions asking me anything you like here. Anything whatsoever, whilst adhering to BZP's overall rules, of course. I will try and answer them all...unless I don't want to.


Ask away. Though I thoroughly expect there to be very little activity. What could anyone possibly want to ask me?




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How 'bout this one. How many LEGO pieces do you have? :P


Or if that's too hard, how many BIONICLE sets do you have?


And if that's too hard, who's your favorite LEGO character?



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It is okay to ask one`s gender,right?

If so,what is your`s?




I like donuts.You like donuts?




Do you have a British guy`s accent?

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How 'bout this one. How many LEGO pieces do you have? :P


Or if that's too hard, how many BIONICLE sets do you have?


And if that's too hard, who's your favorite LEGO character?



More than 2 :P


Um...my favourite Bionicle character is Pohatu.


Just who is 'M', and what gender is it, my precious?




'M' is the friend I love, and he's male.


It is okay to ask one`s gender,right?

If so,what is your`s?




I like donuts.You like donuts?




Do you have a British guy`s accent?

As I've said several times before, I'm male.

I do indeed.

I daresay I do.



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is your name sam?

Very possibly. Have you perchance been browsing my Maj galleries? :P


Of the nine, who is your muse?

Not sure I understand this one, sorry. :mellow:



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Not sure I understand this one, sorry. :mellow:

The nine muses... :unsure:

Never heard of them. :o




From Greek/Roman mythology? Ring any bells?


See, this is the reason you should be taking Latin. You'd learn this sort of stuff. What are you in a speaker of, anyway? Perhaps you are taking Latin, and I didn't know, or maybe you take French or Spanish. Latin's a very lemony language. I recommend it to anyone who likes to understand authors like Snicket or Rowling, two who put various allusions in their works. Fan fics that I write also may contain Latin for those reading them. If you have spare time next year in school, this would be a wonderful language to take. Then maybe this blog entry would make sense. Libertas tinniat, let freedom ring!


For the record, I don't know them all either. I just wanted to spread the word.


- :vahi:

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*gasp* :o The muses were Graeco-Roman divinities, all female, who personified various arts and sciences. The things each one was associated with, as they were defined in the Renaissance, are as follows:


Calliope – chief of the muses, muse of epic poetry

Clio – muse of history

Erato – muse of love poetry

Terpsichore – muse of dance

Polyhymnia – muse of sacred song

Euterpe – muse of music and lyric poetry

Urania – muse of astronomy

Thalia – muse of comedy

Menelpomene – muse of tragedy


(And no, I did not know what each one was off the top of my head. :P ) But perhaps I'll make this more general: if not one of the nine, who or what is your muse most often?

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I`ve got some other questions


Do you have any interests in pirates?





If you were granted a mask power and control over an element,what will you do?





Is depression your profession?




Have you ever visited Malaysia?

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See, this is the reason you should be taking Latin. You'd learn this sort of stuff. What are you in a speaker of, anyway? Perhaps you are taking Latin, and I didn't know, or maybe you take French or Spanish. Latin's a very lemony language.

We don't tend to do Latin in England. I took French and German.


But perhaps I'll make this more general: if not one of the nine, who or what is your muse most often?

I'm going to say comedy.


I`ve got some other questions


Do you have any interests in pirates?





If you were granted a mask power and control over an element,what will you do?





Is depression your profession?




Have you ever visited Malaysia?

1. Pirates are pretty interesting, yes.

2. Levitation and Shadow. I have no idea what I'd actually do though.

3. Not really, no. I just happen to be depressed most of the time.

4. Nope.



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What is your name?


What is your quest?


What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


And, uh, what is your favorite kind of ice cream?

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Let's see you answer these.


What's your favorite video game?


Have you met any BZPers in real life?


How fast can I walk south on a day with a northern wind of 25 Mph.?



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What is your name?


What is your quest?


What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


And, uh, what is your favorite kind of ice cream?

1. Seran


2. Sorry, 'tis a secret


3. African or European swallow?


4. Mint chocolate chip


Let's see you answer these.


What's your favorite video game?


Have you met any BZPers in real life?


How fast can I walk south on a day with a northern wind of 25 Mph.?



1. Majora's Mask


2. Not that I know of


3. It depends what shoes you're wearing




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Do you sprite?


Do you drink Sprite?


Is the Fruit War a random thing?




What is your favourite band?


Do you like burgers?


What do you like the most at MOCs?


Am I annoying?



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What is your name?


What is your quest?


What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


And, uh, what is your favorite kind of ice cream?

1. Seran


2. Sorry, 'tis a secret


3. African or European swallow?


4. Mint chocolate chip

:lol: Monty Python


1) What is our favorite color?


2) What is your favorite Moc?


3) What is the 7th line of the Sith Philosophy?






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What is your name?


What is your quest?


What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


And, uh, what is your favorite kind of ice cream?

1. Seran


2. Sorry, 'tis a secret


3. African or European swallow?


4. Mint chocolate chip

:lol: Monty Python


1) What is our favorite color?


2) What is your favorite Moc?


3) What is the 7th line of the Sith Philosophy?



1. Blue


2. Oh dear...I don't really have one


3. No idea



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1. How old are you?

2. What is your favorite MOC that you've made?

3. What do you think of this LEGO set?

4. What color are your eyes?

5. What color is your hair?





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