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We're Busy! Busy! Dreadfully Busy!

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Okay, I just had a brilliant idea!


I was thinking how un-original it is to simply take a song from Veggietales and use it for the server song, although it does apply. So here's my idea. Members (other than LarryBoy or myself) can write poems, limericks, haikus, or songs about the busy server message. Without flaming, of course. A song entitled, "How Much I Hate the Busy Server Messages," wouldn't really work. Just a little thing I could use in the Busy Server Content Block. An example:


"I know that you've got lots to do

And you wanted your post to go through

But I don't care a rap

Here, pop some bubblewrap

And that's all that I can do for you"


I'm pretty sure it would be allowed, but I might have to make a topic in the Q&A to make sure, unless a Blog Assistant (always capitalize titles!) happens through this insignificant blog of mine. Okay, here's the deal. Other than BZP contests, contests are NOT allowed, however, you guys can feel free to suggest busy server messages, and I can put them all in the Busy Server Content Block. :happy:


LarryBoy: I've already got a winner of a poem:


"I am a message that is busy

And I am getting dizzy

And my root beer's kind of fizzy

Oh look, the server has quickened!"


Is quickened even a word...? :???:


I don't know.


So...I've nothing else to say here. Bye!





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Srver stpid


I hat it


go brn it to The ground




Thank you, thank you.



I've decided not to add this one, simply because I can't see the server calling itself stupid and desiring to burn itself to the ground.


But if you want, I can add the "concrete" part.

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The server is busy once again...

The bubble wrap have been popped.

What can we do to pass the time?

Sing, dance or talk in a rhyme?


*Cue up-beat and slightly brodway music*


No! The time has come to put a stop!

To all this waiting, bore, and soda pop! (???)

So ready your refresh buttons and click away!

Until Binkmiester comes to save the day!


Man that was weird.

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Houston, we have a problem.


What's the problem?


The server is busy again.




Yes, and I'm not sure how much longer it can stay busy before all the members sue us.


I guess we'll just have to live with it.


Here they come!



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I've got a few:


"Well, don't just stare, get off the computer and get a life!"


"If I were a busy server, I'd torment so many posters

If I were a busy server, I'd... Wait, what rhymes with posters?"


"You might be a noob if you got this message. hahahahalolrofl!!!!!1111!!111"


"I know you're tired of me being busy, but you can always sue..."


"Remember kids, don't repetitively push F5. After all, keyboards have feelings too."


"They don't pay me enough for this."


"It appears to be the dark, damp basement of a server."

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This goes out to all the Linkin Park fans out there...


(to Bleed it Out)


"I refresh it out, posting bigger just to throw it away,

I refresh it out, posting bigger just to throw it away,

I refresh it out, posting bigger just to throw it away, just to throw it away, just to throw it away!"


(To What I've Done)


"What you've done

I'll delete it all

To cross out what you've become

Erase the post

And let go of what you've done"

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Sometimes you hate the server.

But the server hates you more just as much.

But, to smooth it out, we haz bublwrapz!

(The server will still hate you, though.)


This sucks, I know. No rhyme at all. :P

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To be sung in the tune of "We Didn't Start the Fire:"


We didn't break the server;

it was always busy

Since they first made BZ.


We didn't break the server;

You've fallen into our trap

Now go pop some wrap!


It's amazing how improvisation works. That last part just came into my head.

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The bubblewrap on the server goes pop pop pop, pop pop pop, pop pop pop. The bubblewrap on the server goes pop pop pop, all day long!
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