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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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*Fires Torsion Catapult at Kortu while he's still looking at where we fired, and Kortu gets hit and 'splodes, is buried, but uses sonics to shake the mound apart*

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*gets rapidly beat up while I make this awesome userbar for the fruit wars:*

IPB Image


Feel free to use it. but give credit to me. And take the spaces out.

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I'm making lemon pie under

the Lemon Club, so be ready

for sour goodness buahahaha...


JSZ out


*eats all ur Lemon Pie, replenishing my strength*


Thank you, JSZ. That was delicious. Anyway...


*Casts Lemon Magic Spell on the Fruit Stand dudes, making Lemons toxic to their touch*


No more stealing our stuff.


- :vahi:

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*throws lemon pie at



JSZ out

Wait, are you on our side? If not...give those Lemon products back!


*Parries Venomess with Lemon Sabre*

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*throws giant Pear at everyone, crushing and destroying everyone forever, until not forever, because I bring you all back to life with magical pineapples, but then use those to build a giant pineapple stronghold which everyone attempts to attack except those who are on the same team as me, but that's because they're in the giant pineapple too. And then we throw a giant peach at them, crushing all of them again, but because of the magical lemons they live...again, and they retaliate, crushing the giant pineapple, and we escape to fruit pirate island where we're attacked by pirates who spell fruit, fruut, because they can. And then we escape to Fruit Ninja land, and are welcomed as heroes, and we train in the ninja ways, but are later attacked by evil fruit ninjas and we're all like "this is terrible" and flee to lemon club land, but remember we're hated there, and flee to Spitty, who is happy because he has free pineapple juice from the destroyed giant pineapple, and we're like give us some, and he does, so we drink some, and regain our lost land, and everything is back to the way it was before the giant pear, pineapple, and peach, and destroyed pineapple*

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Wait, are you on our side? If not...

give those Lemon products back!


*Parries Venomess with Lemon Sabre*


Unless you're in the Fruit Stand, no.


JSZ out

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Well then...


*sends an armanda

of pineapple golems

after Aanchir*


JSZ out


*Defends with Lemon Mecha Army*


- :vahi:

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*Defeats Venomess and throws his remains at JSZ*


Don't steal our Lemons!


*Activates Remote Lemon Teleport, and all Lemons return to the base*

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Pineapple golems are pretty

tough, so it's almost impossible

to defeat one. And they can shoot

pineapple pulp.


*Pineapple golems takes down 2

Lemon Mechas*


JSZ out

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*Protects Seranikai with a magical, impenetrable Lemon Shield.*


*Mechas raise their shields as well*


- :vahi:

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