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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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*Slices through all fruit and Joins in fight, slicing right through Odarca's Sword and the other golems*


*Then uses Kualsi to teleport to Medical Center*

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Uh-Oh. *gets in another fruit-suit* I'm now impervius to your attacks... for about 120 seconds. *Blasts applegolems with kethupthrower*

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*Teleports back and is hit by Raspberries, which happen to be my favorite froot*




*Eats Raspberries, Deflects others, simultaneously kicking Odarca*

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darn. well, at least I can send in an army of chemically modified bluberries to capture some fruit jedi land! *Sends blueberries right before being knocked unconcious*

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^ignore last comment^


I blast Eryzeth and Ordarca

with orange cannons!


JSZ out


*Dodges oranges and blasts Eryzeth and JSZ with blueberry blasters that I stole from a fruit jedi warehouse*

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*Teleports out of the way*


*Changes form; Miru, hands, and feet and chest become gold, Legs & arms become black, Lightsaber takes on a Goldish hue*


Me Lemony.... ooh.

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* Eats Eryzeth :P * I think it's about time that my blueberries capture some of fruit jedi land. We captured a small section just now. Oh, and I'm not down.

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*Blasts JSZ and Odarca with Lemon Machine Guns*




*Takes Lemon Rocket Launcher from Munkiman and uses it on Odarca*


*Is Eaten*


*Blows up Odarca's stomach*


*Sends Robotic Lemons to capture Pirate Land*

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*Aims Secret Weapon III at Peach 'Asploders' main base*






*Peach Asploders' main base disintegrates*

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*Runs away screaming and dropping lemon landmines behind me*

How dare you use our Lemons!


*Jumps into Lemon Tank and runs you over, then dematerialises into the Rift*

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I may be a puddle of fruit juice right now, but my remains are dribbling back to the hospital, In 10 posts, I will be whole again! Oh, and you ran over a bunch of my landmines.

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*Is Hit*


Teleporting to Medics...


*Teleports back*


*Deactivates remaining Lemon Landmines and picks up*


*Sends Sentient Lemons to take over Peach 'Asploder's territory*

You should know better, Odarca..


*Is hit by Blueberries*


Agh, not the gold armor... must go back to base!


*Dematerializes to the Rift, where base is*


*Teleports to the Medics instead*

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