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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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*Big friggin' pumpkins start falling on captured land, giant durain mechs crash through the trees, big watermelon tanks blast the stationary guns, and I roll through with a grape-gun and a coconut-shield*

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JSZ take back some of the land Norik has from us.We need the land back!.

*Re-wires LIme droideka to shoot venomess


That could hurt our allience. Hmmm...


JSZ out

Nevermind take a bit of the Fruit pirates land then.

*Puts up Automatic apple schooting Nuva sentries along with automatic Watermelon AND Lime Turrets and gets ten Blueberry Droideka from Norik's base*

And JSZ Blaze is with US



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I already have the target Aanchir, don't worry. This is where the Rift proves how useful it is.


Mwa ha ha etc.

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Sorry guys (and gals), but this war is taking up all my time (I do have a life you know!). So as leader of the Fruit Pirates it is my please to make Laughin' Man the Pirates new Cap'n (cuz he's always on :P )! :pirate:




Have fun without me! :P





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Several of my Strawberry Clones have now captured part of the land controlled by the Pirates.

Since I can't post, check out all the pages of Heroes you didn't read, because your comic doesn't make sense. :P


Anyways, peach towers have been set up around the perimeters of thre Peach 'Asploder's land, as a protection.

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*Puts up reinforced walls and battlements around Legion territory and fits a castle like wall around the Main base*

*Uses Pie-Fighters Lime detonators to take some Closeteer Land*


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*Gets ready to counter the LC's secret weapon with the Watermelon and Lime Turrets*



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*finally gets through the last line and to Yami*



You shoulden't have messed with us on your own, fruit stand.



*lowers cannon, picks him up and throws him from terretory*






Next time, you won't be so lucky.

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*blocks with magnificent coconut shield, then retaliates with a handful of oranges*



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