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I Want To Get Over This. >_<

Lady Kopaka


I hate it when your life is super stressful and painful, then it makes you feel good for a little bit because some little things good happened...and then something happens and your back to feeling bad again. I feel like I'm on a Rollercoaster.


My life is so bumpy. ='(


I wish my family would stop hurting me verbally, stop ignoring me, stop pointing out all of what’s wrong in me and never commenting on what I do good...I feel so scared and torn up because of them. All because of them. And they don't understand, never understand...


I'm just so down because of that stupid math test...Yesterday my whole family was being loud and just stressing me out, and then during my math I got really sickish (Headache, dizzy, etc) So I went to sleep by accident for an hour or so...And because I was stressed, tired and couldn't think straight that day I didn't finish my math. Concluding I wasn’t allowed to go to Books-A-Million. That just made me feel even more guilty and stressed. I finally got the stupid thing done by 10:00 at night, and now today mom graded it and I got a B+. Good? I guess. But mom and dad made me feel so bad because I missed some problems and I went to slow...they just didn't get it!


...That might sound like a stupid thing to whine about, but once you add that with a bunch of my other problems and issues...it’s just a bloody disaster.


I really tried to have a positive attitude toward life and just get tough and move on, but I keep getting thrown into dirt constantly. And after awhile, I just get sick of hiding all the pain inside for so long. This is probably the first time I have ever been in this much hurt before and for such a long time too.


I just want life to go back to normal...if it ever was normal. >_< I just want my family to stop being so mean, I want my art and writing inspiration to come back, and for me to enjoy art and actually make myself believe I have a talent and not to worry if a picture is good or bad. I just want to enjoy life and get over this.


….I have to go finish school…Yeah I have to do a bunch of school today…No freedom and no summer break…You have to love this life.


EDIT: I forgot to say that my art topic died a few days ago(JMJ told me)...So yeah...That really got me down even more so I'm really considering quiting on the Bionicle art....


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Ah yes, the old cruel life problem is very common. I know how you feel though. I have also been in these situations, but I always try to look like I'm immune. So when you get yelled at, don't express any emotions but just fake it like your immune to it.


Or you can somehow try to impress your parents.

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


I'm sorry you're in that kind of environment. Life can be undecent sometimes, believe me, I know, but remember...


"Life is like a long tunnel. You may not be able to see the end, but if you just keep moving, you'll come to a better place."

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I wish I could find some proper words to cheer you up right now. I'm really sad that you feel down. Trust me when I say I've had days such as this, when my parents' behavior towards me was rather harsh, as well as times when I have no inspiration to do anything.


The best piece of advice I can give you is to get some very needed rest, even off BZP if you feel like it. I knew how it felt for one's Art Topic to die (even if my last one had a mere 107 posts).


You're probably very stressed, but once you take a break, you can start on your work again. You'll have your inspiration back, trust me, it doesn't come when you force it. You have talent - you and everyone knows it, so don't let that bug you.


Also, you can try and ask Pohuaki for permission to revive your topic once you have some new artwork, I mean for Heaven's sake, it had more than 800 posts. Everyone would definitely miss your art. If that's unachievable, you can always repost your Art Topic. It really doesn't matter whether you have one or not. What matters is that everyone knows how good you are. :)


Just don't despair, OK?

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I wish I could find some proper words to cheer you up right now. I'm really sad that you feel down. Trust me when I say I've had days such as this, when my parents' behavior towards me was rather harsh, as well as times when I have no inspiration to do anything.


The best piece of advice I can give you is to get some very needed rest, even off BZP if you feel like it. I knew how it felt for one's Art Topic to die (even if my last one had a mere 107 posts).


You're probably very stressed, but once you take a break, you can start on your work again. You'll have your inspiration back, trust me, it doesn't come when you force it. You have talent - you and everyone knows it, so don't let that bug you.


Also, you can try and ask Pohuaki for permission to revive your topic once you have some new artwork, I mean for Heaven's sake, it had more than 800 posts. Everyone would definitely miss your art. If that's unachievable, you can always repost your Art Topic. It really doesn't matter whether you have one or not. What matters is that everyone knows how good you are. :)


Just don't despair, OK?


Beebabaubi mullala! Bioni-Cool Jack is *tap tap tap* right. So follow his *click click* advice. Or you can also try to... *beep* impress your parents or go to bed and read a book/comic book.


P.S. Oh and if you're wondering why I putted these strange words in my comment, I was trying to imitate Klunk. You probably never heard of him.

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I'm sorry to hear about your problems. When you reach that point of discontent in your life, though, it's best to take a step back and just try to gather yourself. A good idea would be to take a break from the Internet. Because of your popularity here and on other sites, it's easy to get overwhelmed, especially with what your responsiblities there. But remember, the only responsibility you have is for yourself, so you shouldn't feel guilty about taking a break from a website, whether it be from finishing art requests or acting as staff. Trust me, you'll be a lot happier when you take time for yourself.

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I guess talking to your mother about you feeling sick, didn't help. If I can think of any other way to help you, I would. But I am out ideas at the moment.


About your art topic dying, I partly blame myself for that because I should of post in six days ago to review your art. I can see how this could make you consider quitting Bionicle art, but I feel that if you removed the stress of having to do requests for people and just drew for the fun of it, then you probably feel a whole lot better about doing Bionicle art.


I am not saying to give up on doing requests forever, I just saying you should give it up till you are ready to do them again without them causing you much stress with your life. But you don't have to listen to me, if you don't want to.


I am sure that your idea would be fine and understood by everyone, if you do it. I really hope your life starts to get better, LK. If only you could find some common ground with your parent to talk to them about your stress and how they are making you feel. ~JMJ-07

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Don't quit doing BIONICLE art. That is one of your greatest talents, and I would hate you to lose that. I'm sorry to hear about your art topic, but remember that it was allowed to die due to our negligence, and not in any way because it was not worth our attention. And don't be upset about having an apparent lack of inspiration. It happens to all of us, and sometimes you've just got to try and find a different outlet for your creativity until you are again inspired.


Moreover, don't assume that because your parents don't understand you it means they don't care. They are certainly very concerned about you, otherwise they wouldn't be so concerned about your productivity in your schoolwork. While excelling in math may not be higher in priority than finding inspiration for artwork, it may very well be the way you will progress in life. Maybe Chicken Little's advice is right, though I'd be more at ease if you'd try to drop by the blog occasionally so we don't have to worry about you. Remember, you're in my prayers. :)

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Look LK,


We all have our bad days every now and then in life. Life is cruel. We all must deal with it. Though I feel sorry for you and your art topic. You are such a great artist. And I don't think you should quit BIONICLE Art. Your artwork was so respected and there's just no need to quit.


You can always restart your art topic but you had so many art and posts in it that it will be tough to restore it back to it's popularity. You can find a way to advertise your art topic though. That way it would be easier to restore it's popularity.


But for now just log off of BZP, go to your bed and read a BIONICLE Comic/book. You can also take a short break from the Internet and when you return let us hope things will be better.


Vezon The Piraka has spoken

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I know how you feel. Sometimes its the same way with my parents. They tell me what I've done wrong, but say nothing about what I've done right. It's difficult to be happy when something like that happens, but It's still possible. Just try to feel happy, do something you like to do and try to put your problems out of your mind. Don't dwell on them, just try to forget them, at least for a little while. When I'm feeling miserable, I listen to music, write, and just do alot of stuff that makes me happy. Tell yourself that tomorrow will be better, and just smile. Sometimes that's all it takes.

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I remember some advice you gave me, LK, when I had similar feelings. Organize your life, deal with the problems (talking to your parents could go a long way -- don't hold back, tell them exactly what the problem is and the negative effect it has on you), just generally try and sort everything out. Take a hiatus from BZP if you want, we'll all understand. Don't quit -- inspiration never comes when your looking for it, trust me; I tried everything to look for it before, but nothing came. Then I got inspiration from watching my grandfather do a slick move with a shotgun in F.E.A.R. :P


So, remember that advice you gave me a while back? Don't forget to apply it to yourself, too. We all care about you here, Lady K, and for some of us (like me), we get insiration for stuff from your art! :)

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I know we've never really spoken before, but I hoped I could help make a difference. I love your art, please don't give up. It seems like this happens to all artists - I feel the same way too a lot of the time. That might be what makes us artists, the inspiration, but it seems like you've been inspired negatively. I think one of the best things to do is take a break, and do something you don't normally do, or something you know you'll enjoy. Go out for a walk, maybe draw a landscape. Spend some time with friends. Anything that you really enjoy.


And remember, when you're feeling down, countless people here look up to you. I know I do. :)


Never give up.



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*hugs LK*


You know what I have said, and I don't ever want to see you do what you are thinking.


I just wish everything would relax for you. -Swert

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*group hug with LK, Swert, and everybody else viewing entry*


You've heard what I've had to say already, m'lady. Remember that you aren't alone here.



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I think a lot of people here have the right idea. Take a break from BZP. I know you feel like you have to participate, or that we expect a lot from you, but I think some of your closest friends here would rather go without you for a few weeks than have to see you in such a state. Just take some time to get the rest of your life together, and then maybe you'll be ready to come back to us reinspired and refreshed. In addition, Vezon the Piraka actually lent you some sage advice. If you can show your family that you can accomplish your schoolwork AND spend time on your interests, they might go a bit easier on you.


And sometimes, like Aanchir, TLH, and I have said before, tomorrow's another day. That's not to say that it will be sure to be better, but taking things one day at a time can help you through anything. Keep hoping for the best, and working towards that goal, and things might turn out all right after all.




EDIT: In addition, taking a break doesn't mean you should distance yourself from us. We're always here if you need someone to talk to.

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Hey LK, I'm so sorry for what's been going on with you lately. I know you've been having a very hard time just existing lately and I wish I could just wave a magic wand and make it all go away, but I can't.


Just know that one day (even if it takes until you're moved out) you're gonna look back at this and say "Ugh, I'm so glad that's over." And I'm sure you'll feel a sense of accomplishment for making it through it all without giving up. I know that the present has been extremely grim lately for you, but just remember, you do have a future and it's going to be a good one.


Press on with the future in mind. I know it's easier said than done cause I'm not the one going through it, but know that my heart breaks for you and I want nothing more than to see you happy and just content with life.


Just know that you have people who care for your well being and you have my prayers. Talk to you later :) .


- :t::l::h:

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