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2008 Preview



Just a few things you can expect to see in BIONICLE Legends #10, in addition to the already confirmed return of Takanuva:


-- The return of Toa Krakua

-- First appearance in story of the leader of the Order of Mata Nui

-- Just what are those krana-kraata hybrids from way back in BA #10?

-- The origin of the Bohrok


While Book 10 will feature some of main story, it is probably going to start a trend of the books being a little bit more side story and mystery revelations as opposed to having to carry the entire load of telling story for the year. In part, this is because of the reduced publication schedule, in part because it is the ideal format to be able to resolve old mysteries (since comic has to focus on current characters only).


My best info right now is that books will continue into 2009, but how many and what format is still being discussed between LEGO Company and Scholastic.




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Awesome! The return of Krakua? Does this mean that he will have officially come into being?


The OoMN leader... Man, I'm looking forward to that. ^_^


And I like the new book structure idea. It sounds quite exciting. I just hope the books will continue.

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Wow, all of that sounds so great. I'd love to see Toa Krakua and the OoMN leader. Thanks Greg!
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Very, Very cool Greg.


This is definitely one book I'm buying (As opposed to reading in the book store =P )


Thanks for the info!



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im just wondering whether or not that if the books simply focus on old mysteries, then is the main story going to be told more thoroughly in the comics or in story serials?

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They'd have to be ;)


But, sweet, I just built Krakua XD. I don't suppose he's ever gonna be released in a set form though?


Also, sounds like a better book format. Bionicle Legends#7 being about the same as Comic#9 was a little irksome. Hurrah for tidbits.

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Man, Greg, you really know how to make us want to buy the books. Then again, that's part of your job.


I wonder if Krakua will be important to the story, or just a side thing like Krahka and Tahtorak in BL5.

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I find the shift in novel direction to be a good thing. Having the comics be exact copies of the novels without the detail was quite annoying... It made the comics pointless. Having them tell different things, while still following the same basic outline, I presume, is a great way to expand upon the story.

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Love the idea of the book side stories. just hope the comics will actually be long enough to get some good story in. (last comic I got was Bionicle Legends& if it had been put in a blender)



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Greg, If 2008 is like you are telling, I have no doubt that most of the fans will be buying books-Which means more of them in the future, hopefully.


Thanks for the info!

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ET - I definitely do see your point. At the same time, the books are only selling to maybe 30,000 people, while the comic is going out to 1.5 million. So I haven't really been in a position to say, "This was covered in the book, don't have to do it here" because most comic readers aren't reading the books.



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This sounds sweet! :) You can count on me in supporting those books!


Kinda curious, though... since there are no guide books next year, I believe, there'll only be a total of three books, right? And on that note, any word on how the sales are going since they had to cut Invasion from the schedule?



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:happydance: This rocks. Oh my gosh, thanks so much, Greg. I'm so looking forward to this book. And this gives plenty of room for new theories.



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Origon of The Bohrok? Awesome!

Return of Krakua and Takanuva? Superduperextraawesome!

I can't wait for the leader OoMN!

I always wondered what those things were? I think it has something to with Vezon`and The Spear of Fusion.

Thanks Greg!

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Cap'n -- My last info is that sales have not improved that much. On the plus side, Scholastic has some new people working with us on marketing ideas for the book (including the Amazon blog I have started doing) so maybe those will help.


I firmly believe a lot of the issue is awareness -- most BIONICLE fans simply have no idea there are books at all.



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Wow, at both this and the info from the last blog post... this is awesome! Can't wait to see Takanuva, Krakua, the OoMN leader, a villain from next year and the returning six heroes. Thanks Greg, you rule!

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One word for you.....




I'm totally going to put aside some money each week from my paycheck to salvage enough tender to perches all the masterpieces I can get my tiny hands on!


Love you Greg!!!




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That's a big "Finally" on Krakua. It's also a sign that the Inika/Mahri have completed their mission that Krakua told Vakama about in order for himself to exist.


As for book sales, I agree on the issue being awareness. I mean, every once in a while I see them listed in the Lego Catalog... but I seriously think placing an advertisement within the instruction booklets would up the sales. It works for other sets, it should work for books too.


I'm sure that putting that little "For a further story, read "Bionicle Legends 8"" thing (as in 2005 with the first Hordika Comic and BA 7, or as in 2003 with promoting BC 4) in the comics again would be a good sales move.


Another idea would be promo chapters on bioniclestory.com, something enticing and cliffhanger-filled, making people aware that 1) books exist and 2) you'll find out what happens after the bit you read online... I know that the Prologue and Ch. 1 of Bionicle Legends#7 made me want to rush out and buy it...


Just some suggestions, I'm sure you have your own... but I seriously hope that they realize how much the fans who read the books love the books.



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