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Crisis - Titan Olympics





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UPDATE (2nd of January 08) - Hopefully we're right now. Here's the reformed cast list.


Lhikan - Taken by Turaga Dlakii

Vezon - Taken by me

Sarda - Taken by me

Idris - Taken by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Jaller (MoLtoran) - Taken by me

Axonn - Taken by Aoran

Takanuva - Taken by Johnuva

Roodaka - Taken by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Sidorak - Taken by The Infection

Rahi - including Nui-Rama, Tarakava, Nivawk, Kikinalo, Gukko, Spinax and Fenrakk (Fenrakk taken by me, Kikinalo taken by Kanata Electrike)



Nidhiki - Taken by The Chilli God

Krekka - Taken by The Chilli God

Kopaka Nuva - Taken by Kanata Electrike

Lesovikk - Taken by Kanata Electrike

Nocturn - Taken by Aoran

Hydraxon - Taken by Aoran

Maxilos/Makuta - Taken by The Infection

Brutaka - Taken by Mercenary Xero

Turaga Dume - Taken by Axinian the Chronicler

Umbra - Taken by Axinian the Chronicler

Karzahni - Taken by Jedi Master J.



And yes, I have started 'filming'.




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Well, this is a stop motion feature, with three parts, based around this thing I created called the Titan Olympics. This is for my 3000 posts, and it is anything but a serious presentation. I'm not going to reveal anymore at this stage.

No, this isn't an answer to SPIRIT's latest PSA. I thought of this ages ago. :P



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Oh, there are plenty of good parts. I'd like to people to choose for themselves though what they'd like, and PM me which they want to audition for. So...

May need to rethink how I'm 'advertising' this project as it were...and how I'm organising this...



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I could do a few voices if you want. I've been doing Oral Interp in the Humorous category for four years now, so I've gotten lots of voice practice. I'll take any number of voices.

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Yo, Phyoohrii. I looked on your list and I doubt I could do any guy voices(=P), but I think I could pull off Roodaka for you...since like, I doubt you can find many girls on BZP willing to do voice acting for you.


PM/IM me sometime(Cuz' I'm gunna get busy and forget to do that ><), and we can chat about it...or whatever. :P

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I saw this in your sig. I could do two voices, one with an accent, and one without one. The problem is I don't currently have a microphone.

If I could get one, would you be interested in a character with an English accent?


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This would be ideal.... only problem is I'm not sure we'll be getting a new microphone in time for me to insure fragile grasp on a part.... and then I'd have to learn how to actually create voice files.

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Jedi master J., I hope you sound good as Karzahni, I would have tryed out for it, if I had a mic.

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The cast list is now complete. Thanks to those that auditioned, and to the cast, I will contact you in a couple of days with scripts! :D

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