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Answers Unknown

Doctor Norik






Why are we here?

Where did we come from?

Where are we going?

Where are the mole-people?

How big is space?

Why does a cow say "moo"?

Why am I asking these questions?

Why do I expect you to know the answers?

If a tree falls in the forest, and it gets sucked into a Vortex and spat out 3.677,000,000 miles away, does it hit someone in the head?

Why are Daleks so cool?

Why are ducks so cool?

What day is the first day of the last day of the first to last week of the month of which I think is the second of the minute of the hour of the day before yesterday only two days after the day before the day after yesterday's tomorrow's second hour's day and/or night?







Why again?

Come again?

Say that one more time?

I'm sorry, I just can't hear you. Please repeat?

I must have a hearing problem or something, right?


I dunno. Do you?


I see.... not really. Can you?

Is the Earth square or triangular?

Is Alien better than Predator?

Is Predator better than Alien?

Can anyone hear you scream in space?

Why do I digress?

Do you like waffles?

Will these questions ever end?






Not really.


Can you answer these questions?

Will you answer these questions?




Well, I think all of those questions were a good way to introduce the fact that I'm using Dalek's idea of PM counseling. So, PM me for advice. Not counseling, I don't want to rip him off completely.


Are these questions actually over?

Do you need advice?

Will you PM me?

Yeah. Yeah you will.




Anyway, you can answer these questions if you want. It would be pretty fun to try.


Recommended Comments

Why are we here? [For a reason]

Where did we come from? [Epsilon-Delta 13, 18th dimension]

Where are we going? [somewheres]

Where are the mole-people? [You really don't want to know]

How big is space? [bigger than you think it is]

Why does a cow say "moo"? [because it would sound funny if a cow said "snork"]

Why am I asking these questions? [boredom?]

Why do I expect you to know the answers? [because I know everything]

If a tree falls in the forest, and it gets sucked into a Vortex and spat out 3.677,000,000 miles away, does it hit someone in the head? [Of course]

Why are Daleks so cool? [Are they? It is an illusion]

Why are ducks so cool? [because they exist]

What day is the first day of the last day of the first to last week of the month of which I think is the second of the minute of the hour of the day before yesterday only two days after the day before the day after yesterday's tomorrow's second hour's day and/or night? [A day not ending in "day"]

What? [Why?]

Where? [How?]

When? [Who?]

Why? [What?]

Who? [Where?]

How? [When?]

Why again? [What again?]

Come again? [Why not?]

Say that one more time? [shan't *stamps foot*]

I'm sorry, I just can't hear you. Please repeat? [Do you have a hearing problem?]

I must have a hearing problem or something, right? [i think you have a hearing problem]

What? [Why?]

I dunno. Do you? [Of course I do]

Huh? [Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!]

I see.... not really. Can you? [Yup. In infrared, too]

Is the Earth square or triangular? [Neither. It is Plectagonal]

Is Alien better than Predator? [Yes]

Is Predator better than Alien? [Nope]

Can anyone hear you scream in space? [Aliens. In your miiind.]

Why do I digress? [because you are too tired to digest]

Do you like waffles? [Yup]

Will these questions ever end? [Hopefully]

Can you answer these questions? [Yup]

Will you answer these questions? [i am right now]

Are these questions actually over? [Not yet]

Do you need advice? [Doubtful]

Will you PM me? [Probably not. I already answered this]

Yeah. Yeah you will.

Right? [Hah]


Hah. I answered all of them. :P




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Why are we here?Well it all started when the universe was created...

Where did we come from?Well theres evoloution and then theres creationism your pick.

Where are we going?To the moon!

Where are the mole-people?How do you know of the mole-people?

How big is space?As big as several thousand galaxies put together.

Why does a cow say "moo"?Cause it thinks it's too high and ighty to say "woof"

Why am I asking these questions?Cause you need homework done and you resort to BZP for answers

Why do I expect you to know the answers?Cause we're smart

If a tree falls in the forest, and it gets sucked into a Vortex and spat out 3.677,000,000 miles away, does it hit someone in the head?

Why are Daleks so cool?Cause they EXTERMINATE!

Why are ducks so cool?Because they're better than those stuck-up cows

What day is the first day of the last day of the first to last week of the month of which I think is the second of the minute of the hour of the day before yesterday only two days after the day before the day after yesterday's tomorrow's second hour's day and/or night?...*Blasts question into millions of pieces*






How?Well you take a missile and...

Why again?Because Again

Come again?Okay now you're just being silly

Say that one more time?*hits NP in face*

I'm sorry, I just can't hear you. Please repeat?You just don't learn.

I must have a hearing problem or something, right?yes

What?...No comment

I dunno. Do you?Yes


I see.... not really. Can you?*Sigh 2.0*

Is the Earth square or triangular?Square cause Triangular's lame.

Is Alien better than Predator?Never seen the movies.

Is Predator better than Alien?Never seen the movies.

Can anyone hear you scream in space?No

Why do I digress?Cause you have nothing important to say

Do you like waffles?Yes

Will these questions ever end?Yes





Not really.


Can you answer these questions?Yes

Will you answer these questions?Yes




Well, I think all of those questions were a good way to introduce the fact that I'm using Dalek's idea of PM counseling. So, PM me for advice. Not counseling, I don't want to rip him off completely.


Are these questions actually over?Soon

Do you need advice?No

Will you PM me?Perhaps

Yeah. Yeah you will.




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Why are we here? To write questions

Where did we come from? Raxocoricofallipatorious

Where are we going? Away

Where are the mole-people? Over there

How big is space? Can I have a ruler?

Why does a cow say "moo"? Because it can't sing

Why am I asking these questions? You want answers

Why do I expect you to know the answers? You do?

If a tree falls in the forest, and it gets sucked into a Vortex and spat out 3.677,000,000 miles away, does it hit someone in the head? That depends on whether it lands in Greenland or California.

Why are Daleks so cool? They have probe spheres, flashing eyes, and yell "exterminate!"

Why are ducks so cool? They rhyme with "Dalek."

What day is the first day of the last day of the first to last week of the month of which I think is the second of the minute of the hour of the day before yesterday only two days after the day before the day after yesterday's tomorrow's second hour's day and/or night? Yes.

What? That's it!

Where? Over there.

When? Tomorrow.

Why? The Daleks said so.

Who? You.

How? Easily.

Why again? The Daleks said so.

Come again? The Daleks said so.

Say that one more time? The Daleks said so.

I'm sorry, I just can't hear you. Please repeat? The Daleks said so.

I must have a hearing problem or something, right? The Daleks said so.


I dunno. Do you? Not if I can help it.

Huh? No.

I see.... not really. Can you? I'm not a Dalek.

Is the Earth square or triangular? More like quadrilatical.

Is Alien better than Predator? Only if he likes Earl Grey tea.

Is Predator better than Alien? No.

Can anyone hear you scream in space? I'll go see, hold on.

Why do I digress? You probably want to confuse my mind.

Do you like waffles? WAFFLE!

Will these questions ever end? I hope not.

Can you answer these questions? No.

Will you answer these questions? Not one!

Are these questions actually over? Not here.

Do you need advice? Yes.

Will you PM me? You will. Yeah. Yeah you will.

Right? Right!





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A joke, like what Dalek's doing.



Why are we here? Just 'Cause.

Where did we come from? The Womb.

Where are we going? Me? I'm goin' to the kitchen, don't know about you, though.

Where are the mole-people? In a great Sub-Terreanean City made of Compressed Gummi Worms.

How big is space? Heck, how should I know?

Why does a cow say "moo"? 'Cause it's fun. :P

Why am I asking these questions? 'Cause you can.

Why do I expect you to know the answers? 'Cause you do.

If a tree falls in the forest, and it gets sucked into a Vortex and spat out 3.677,000,000 miles away, does it hit someone in the head? Depends, is that even on the map?

Why are Daleks so cool? Just what are you implying, hmm?

Why are ducks so cool? 'Cause of their tails.

What day is the first day of the last day of the first to last week of the month of which I think is the second of the minute of the hour of the day before yesterday only two days after the day before the day after yesterday's tomorrow's second hour's day and/or night? You lost me before you began, but I found myself again. :P

What? Huh?

Where? Wha?

When? Yes, I like Grapes.

Why? Huh?

Who? Eh?

How? What?

Why again? Please Repeat.

Come again? Okay.

Say that one more time? Okay.

I'm sorry, I just can't hear you. Please repeat? Okay.

I must have a hearing problem or something, right? Yes, ma'am, I do like Pigs.

What? I dunno...

I dunno. Do you? I dunno...

Huh? Um, I like pie?

I see.... not really. Can you? Where are you?

Is the Earth square or triangular? I think it's both.

Is Alien better than Predator? No, I don't like dogs.

Is Predator better than Alien? Hello, to you too.

Can anyone hear you scream in space? I agree, there is a lot of air in Snails, or was it Wales?

Why do I digress? Is that so?

Do you like waffles? I can't hear you, my eyes don't work.

Will these questions ever end? I can't see, my ears don't work.



Yes. Really?



Not really. Wah.


Can you answer these questions? Maybe.

Will you answer these questions? Possibly.




Well, I think all of those questions were a good way to introduce the fact that I'm using Dalek's idea of PM counseling. So, PM me for advice. Not counseling, I don't want to rip him off completely. How dare you!


Are these questions actually over? No.

Do you need advice? You need counseling more than my next patient, PM me for counseling.

Will you PM me? Will you PM me?

Yeah. Yeah you will. No, I won't.

Right? Left.

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Why are we here?So we can save the cheese


Where did we come from?Mars


Where are we going?Downhill


Where are the mole-people?Np, you is silly, they is in the Daleks,

Who are in the Humans, who are in the Huemans,who are in the Whomans.


How big is space?Larger than you, SNAP.



Why does a cow say "moo"?You don't want to know.


Why am I asking these questions?You gottsa bank.


Why do I expect you to know the answers?Dust thou wish to question me!?



If a tree falls in the forest, and it gets sucked into a Vortex and spat out 3.677,000,000 miles away, does it hit someone in the head? No, it hits a bakery in the head, whcih in turn hits the Tardis


Why are Daleks so cool?Because.


Why are ducks so cool?Because their existence spans

several galaxies, even to Naboo.


What day is the first day of the last day of the first to last week of the month of which I think is the second of the minute of the hour of the day before yesterday only two days after the day before the day after yesterday's tomorrow's second hour's day and/or night?

Towel day.














Why again?Time is relative.


Come again?And a big ball of wibbley-wabely timey-whimey stuff.


Say that one more time?Hello?


I'm sorry, I just can't hear you. Please repeat?Halo 3?


I must have a hearing problem or something, right?Yes, I do.




I dunno. Do you?Yeah, the ratings haven't been to good.


Huh? Ya didn't see it? Oh, Ross and Rachel got back together again.


I see.... not really. Can you? I can see threes.Threes trees in hotel their here.


Is the Earth square or triangular?It's a pentagon.


Is Alien better than Predator?no.


Is Predator better than Alien?Only if the DoD lies to us, no wait, yes!


Can anyone hear you scream in space?Only if your on the basson with judoon and a platoon on the moon in june.


Why do I digress?Because I do.


Do you like waffles?I believe there is waffle in waffles.


Will these questions ever end?philanthropy!

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