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ToM Dracone


*sniff* I hate back-to-school colds. I slept terribly last night, my nose is simultaneously running and stuffed up, and my throat is sore...


But I had to get it eventually. It happened last year. Ally originally thought it was her fault (or rather, the fault of the person sitting next to her on the plane), but she now claims that Lowell is to blame... Ah well.


This entry, however, is actually the first one I've written actually using this computer as a laptop and making use of the wireless internet. Complete with a nearly emptied box of tissue, cup of orange juice, and copy of Sabriel next to me as I sit on the couch, which is more comfortable than my chair... just so you know.


However, this has not prevented me from writing! (Another reason why I'm on the computer right now.) I'm five pages into the first chapter of QfLD at this point... Bit longer than it was last time, but I really hope to be ready to post it tomorrow or Monday...

~ ToM


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