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Just some news and notes:


-- Got a chance to see the villain sets for 2008 up close -- man, they're nice, particularly the January ones. Definitely buying those -- very BIONICLE, but very creepy.


-- Look for more substantial Matoran sets in 2008 than we have done before, and for them to play a more significant role in story.


-- Book sales have evidently stabilized. While they are still well below where we were in 2004, the cutback schedule means stores are selling through the new books before they get the next new one, which means few to no returns (always a good thing). No word yet on a schedule for 2009.


-- I have a phone conference today to discuss the shooting outline for the BIONICLE movie, which I have to say is just great. (I did the story, but am not doing the script itself, but the person who is doing it is so far doing a very good job.) Wish I could share more about it, but as you can imagine, it is still very hush-hush.


-- Also had another meeting this week in New York which I hopefully can share with you soon regarding the comics and some changes and exciting new things planned in that area.


-- January BrickMaster is currently scheduled to have a four-page feature on the history of the Brotherhood of Makuta (or it will when I finish writing it! :))


-- Big meeting going on in Denmark this week to discuss 2008 and marketing plans for it. Then in October, they start focus group testing 2009 sets in New York.




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-- Nice, January? You think they might come out late December?

-- Okay, Matoran are always cool.


-- So, is it better computer effects? No offense, but the first two movies... Well, the effects could have been better. Not as much the third one, but there's always room for improvement.

Also, can you please give us a hint?

-- I've gotta get to New York.

-- Can you post it here, you know, for the members that aren't Brickmasters?


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It is great that we are going to have more substantial Matoran sets next year. I can't help but wonder if some of them are Matoran of Light.


I am excited about the 2008 villain sets and movie news, too. :)

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---Great! Very Bionicle huh?



---So does that minimize the chance of book loss?


---Discussing the bionicle movie already? Well, at least it will have a great script. :)

---I better re-subcribe to Brickmaster before then.


Now that is just cool.



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After coming across the leaks my liking for 08 has decreased - but then again, I'll have to wait for the proper pics.

More substantial Matoran? does that mean that they are bigger?

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1) Sweet, creepy :P Wait... January ones? Is this releated to the "Different schedule"? :blink:


2) Well, when I see a set I'll rate It :P


3) Let's hope they go even better :)


4) And so... Do you think in 2009 It will be finished?


6) OMG! This looks great! Let's hope you can share us! :D


7) Please come up with that plan! (It's not far game that Just Zaktan knew about this)


8) Lucky Kids :P Really, they will see protypes like that Visorak made of Wheels in the Extras of Legends of Metru Nui right?

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Just some news and notes:


-- Got a chance to see the villain sets for 2008 up close -- man, they're nice, particularly the January ones. Definitely buying those -- very BIONICLE, but very creepy.

If Greg's buying them, they have to be sweet! No offence, I just got the idea that you don't buy many sets anymore. ;)


-- Look for more substantial Matoran sets in 2008 than we have done before, and for them to play a more significant role in story.

Hmm, interesting.


-- Book sales have evidently stabilized. While they are still well below where we were in 2004, the cutback schedule means stores are selling through the new books before they get the next new one, which means few to no returns (always a good thing). No word yet on a schedule for 2009.

That's great news!


-- I have a phone conference today to discuss the shooting outline for the BIONICLE movie, which I have to say is just great. (I did the story, but am not doing the script itself, but the person who is doing it is so far doing a very good job.) Wish I could share more about it, but as you can imagine, it is still very hush-hush.

That's got to be super fun ^_^


-- Also had another meeting this week in New York which I hopefully can share with you soon regarding the comics and some changes and exciting new things planned in that area.

I hope you can too ^_^


-- January BrickMaster is currently scheduled to have a four-page feature on the history of the Brotherhood of Makuta (or it will when I finish writing it! )

Better sign up :P


-- Big meeting going on in Denmark this week to discuss 2008 and marketing plans for it. Then in October, they start focus group testing 2009 sets in New York.

That means we'll hear about them, sweet!




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Cricky - I really suggest until you wait until you see official pics from LEGO before you decide how you feel about '08 sets. As I'm sure you know, leaked images almost always look lousy -- and then there is this mass, "Oh no!" from BZP members until they actually SEE the sets and realize they look lots better "for real." I have yet to see a leaked shot that did justice to a set.





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Matoran playing a bigger role and being better sets? Only can mean they're more expensive next year... otherwise why would they get such a big role. Only Matoran that got huge roles were Takua and Jaller... because they came in the more expensive sets as riders of Rahi.


2008 sounds cool. I can't wait to see the new sets (I expect we'll get real images by December, right? :P )



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2008 sounds cool. I can't wait to see the new sets (I expect we'll get real images by December, right? :P )


We may get the sets themselves in December, so I wouldn'tbe surprised if a bit of real advertisement comes even before that.


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-- Got a chance to see the villain sets for 2008 up close -- man, they're nice, particularly the January ones. Definitely buying those -- very BIONICLE, but very creepy.

Yep, I agree - I got to build some a few days ago (but not keep, more's the pity). Creepy is a good word for it - more BIONICLE than Barraki, IMO, and just as creepy.

-- Book sales have evidently stabilized. While they are still well below where we were in 2004, the cutback schedule means stores are selling through the new books before they get the next new one, which means few to no returns (always a good thing). No word yet on a schedule for 2009.

That's good to hear, hope the 2009 schedule is at least on par with 2008.

-- Big meeting going on in Denmark this week to discuss 2008 and marketing plans for it. Then in October, they start focus group testing 2009 sets in New York.

I just got back from that marketing meeting, it was two very long days of hard work and discussion that came to a set of surprising (but in the end very good) conclusions. I've got whiplash from shifting paradigms without using the clutch. But I think everybody walked away (more or less) satisfied. I did.


I'd love to go to the focus group testing but I don't think I'll be able to swing it this time.


- Bink

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Cricky - I really suggest until you wait until you see official pics from LEGO before you decide how you feel about '08 sets. As I'm sure you know, leaked images almost always look lousy -- and then there is this mass, "Oh no!" from BZP members until they actually SEE the sets and realize they look lots better "for real." I have yet to see a leaked shot that did justice to a set.



I was about to post that but as usual, Greg beat me to it. :) I've seen some of the poor-quality leaked pictures, and they certainly don't reflect what they actually look like. Trust your Bink.



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This is awesmoeness.


I hope the new movies are better, and get better actors, they sounded horrible.


Makuta wasn't that bad and In my opinion the guy who played Takua/Takanuva wasn't half bad the others were so-so.


1)Creepy you say?I wonder if this will affect the other sets


2)Finally it's time matoran got some of the Toa's spotlight again


3)So if things go alright we might get atleast one extra book?


4)Who's doing the script can you give us a hint atleast.


5)Will these changes mean more pages and possible retail outside lego magazine?


6)Alright now all I need to do is either find someway to get it off someone who has Brickmaster or get Brickmaster myself


7)Hope it gores well



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5)Will these changes mean more pages and possible retail outside lego magazine?

He will anounce it when he can.

But he does want more pages in the comics, the're trying to do it next year. That's the last I heard.


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All sounds good, as I say the creepier the better when it comes to Villians. As for the movie that is great news and I hope everything goes well with that. As for the matoran I personally would like to see more of them but also not a loss of the might of the Toa after all they are the show stoppers. As for everything else sounds all good.



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Some of the summer sets actually went through a major redesign because the feeling among the kids in the focus groups was that they did not look "BIONICLE enough."



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I am hoping that one of the 2008 matoran sets will be a matoran of light. I always wondered about there appearence.

A Lightoran would definetly require some spotlight :)


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